Pure Blue Japan (PBJ)
Nice work, Steffan. I have my pair here in Wales this week, so will try and sort a suitably coastal update pic…
ok peeps, the fade-o-rama has migrated:
@indigo bitch
@zwer -
Hello team,
Could advise me whether a pair of raw xx-005 would give me a similar fit to a pair of 29 inch raw 666s post soak? I'm mainly worried about the hem being too big. A crap measurement at home had my broken in 666s being about 32 inch in the waist and 7.5 at the hem.
Hello team,
Could advise me whether a pair of raw xx-005 would give me a similar fit to a pair of 29 inch raw 666s post soak? I'm mainly worried about the hem being too big. A crap measurement at home had my broken in 666s being about 32 inch in the waist and 7.5 at the hem.
The two fits are fairly similar. After a soak the hem width of the X005 will shrink by about a third of an inch.
Got my first PBJ for Christmas! Actually, bought them for myself for a steal on evilbay. But, the seller had no info about them, and I'm trying to figure out what model they are. Obviously a straight cut, and they have buttons that are stamped Syoaiya, not PBJ. I think they're the 14oz. regular indigo, but I've never handled any of their products before. This stuff is hairy, and slubby. Here's fit pics:
Close up of denim:Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sorry I can't help any with figuring out what model that is, but that is some nice looking denim.
I love that slubby denim, looks great!
if anyone is 50/50 on a pair of 11's, w31, unwashed then hit me up… i have a pair, soaked and then washed once since, worn on an off for a year or so but more use as a sale pair for someone unsure size / fit wise than as an example pair of heavily worn or a new pair.
Got my first PBJ for Christmas! Actually, bought them for myself for a steal on evilbay. But, the seller had no info about them, and I'm trying to figure out what model they are. Obviously a straight cut, and they have buttons that are stamped Syoaiya, not PBJ. I think they're the 14oz. regular indigo, but I've never handled any of their products before. This stuff is hairy, and slubby. Here's fit pics:
Close up of denim:Hi @sabergirl I too have a pair of PBJ's and I will say they are one of my favourite pairs the denim is gorgeous, like denim tweed, if that makes sense? I can't help you with the model number but yours have the leaf motif on the back pocket. Pre Levis court case PBJ's had a tab as mine do in my photo, yours are post Levis court case when the tab was replaced by the leaf. Yours look great on you a good fit. I always look forward to getting them on more than others on my rotate.! .
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Hi @sabergirl , tried on my iphone to offer what i know from owning a pair of pbj's however, tagging you only seems to work from my laptop.
Thanks for the insight, @Black Orchid. I've definitely experienced the not bring able to tag phenomenon (like now). I am loving the pbjs, denim is really something special. I'm pretty sure my pair are XX-003s, judging from the measurements. There's also a small tag on the pocket bag that says "3", which reinforces my suspicion.
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those jeans @twin are looking gorgeous. the lighter colours are coming through adding contrast and depth. got a feeling things are only gonna get better with those….
The fading on those is insane twin, keep rocking em hard!
@twin thanks for the updates, Twin. Looking good.