IHSH-191 - Classic Check Work Ultra Heavy Flannel
Well hello! Very nice.
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[/quote]Generally I like both westerns and work shirts. But some fabrics work better as work shirts. I just counted and I own about the same of each style (which is to say too many of both)
EDIT: Fark… I just realised this is coming in both western AND work shirt. For the sake of clarity, they both look great, the work shirt is still my favourite.
"IHSH-191 is ready"
You can use the extra time to double the production run! [emoji1417]
lol, that's totally how it works…
Stick to teaching English Neph [emoji4] [emoji4]
My entirely too subtle subtext was:
1. Too soon, slow it down, I need more time.
2. There probably haven't been made enough.(Try to tone down the sarcasm and this is what happens [emoji849]).
Damn it looks like the October onslaught is starting already. It will be interesting to see how fast these will fly off the shelves.
Bring it on..