IHSH-62-BLK - 12oz Wabash Western Shirt - Black
I sold my OG wabash (55) so I’ll eventually get an indigo 62 with copper snaps as well, once my bank account recovers from today’s bloodbath. And @neph93 ‘s white 62 was my inspiration for the copper snaps, so hopefully the white one stays around long enough to complete the trilogy.
I decided that since I picked up your IHSH-55, I'll send in my IHSH-62-IND for pimping, to avoid too much redundancy in the wardrobe
Good call. Thanks again and post pics when you get it!
Did a quick look thru this thread and didn’t see any of the black wabash shirts pimped with the copper snaps, maybe I missed it, but @xtcclassic you’ll be blown away. Neph is right if you want an idea go to the black wabash vest thread if you want to get antsy for the arrival of your order.
@RoxRocks86 actually your pics in the indigo 62 thread are making me plenty antsy for its arrival, and for the arrival of the indigo version in the distant future once my pocketbook recovers from the IH sale this week lol.
Looks great, @xtcclassic. Stellar fit.
62 [emoji3590]
Cheers Eric [emoji106]
Oh wow. The copper snaps take a great shirt to the next level. Works even better on the black than on the white.
I’m stoked with how it turned out. Now if it would only cool off enough for me to wear it…
Copper snaps look awesome! Wish mine had them!
Yeah these copper snaps were DEFINITELY a great choice. I’m in love.
Oh hell yeaaaah @xtcclassic !!!!! That copper is
Probably my favourite shirt I don't have. Rocked by @xtcclassic during WAYWT All week 2019
This is tempting…
It is a damn fine shirt…
I think it may be my very favorite IH shirt, and I'm not a western shirts kinda guy.
It’s a VERY IH shirt, if you see what I mean?