RAWscore - the hit or miss fit and combo space
I think it looks great!
I think it looks solid @Clint_D !
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Looks legit to me. I feel like a little snug in the chest is the way to go for pretty much any trucker, especially when new.
too much???
@madmonday it’s a hot mess. I’m a big fan of that look.
Been a while. Need a fit check. Feels a little snug in the pits. What do you think?
Tricky… in some photos it looks great, in others a little trim. All the tell tales look good to marginal (shoulder seams, arm length, lack of button pull, are good while overall length is marginal, verging on short, but fine if you like it like that). It's the last two shots that give an impression of it being a little small to me.
I'm with Reuben on this one. Were it not for the last two shots, I'd say it's a great fit. I wonder if the camera lens is doing something weird in those last two.
Being right between medium and large like you, my shirts can feel a little snug in the armpit area but I prefer that slim look to the balloony alternative that comes with sizing up.
Your shirt buttons better than mine. I get a little button tug on the button right at the chest line, but I only wear it unbuttoned so I don't mind.
Are you near a Self Edge store that has both a medium and large for you to compare? I think I shared with you that I had the large for a while but it kinda felt like the shirt was wearing me and not the other way around.