Random Rants
Don't think so, we're pretty crazy understaffed, and our division is the most profitable and growing the fastest.
I actually just talked to a coworker whose brother works for the acquiring company, and he (the brother) hasn't been called back to work full time in-office at the acquiring company. So it seems like there's something else going on other than the "company policy" of the new company. Maybe the execs at our company want the office to look bustling and busy when their brass comes in to visit? Also, strangely we were not instructed to do anything with our remote work workstations, which seems like the first thing you'd have your employees do if you had millions of dollars of computer equipment floating around out there.
So maybe this isn't a long-term bad sign if it was just our management and not the future management? Still just a total flub from an employee relations standpoint. People are freaking out, and just so you have good backdrop while you swoon around the office? Do like a sports game and pipe some hustle and bustle sounds in there or some crap. Play Boiler Room on the conference TV. Be better at this!
Thanks for the well-wishes @sabergirl @goosehd I'm sure it'll work out fine. I like a good rant, but this stuff actually doesn't stress me out much. If it goes better than the last 2 acquisitions I've been a part of–which involved getting laid off, and a pay-cut respectively--then I'll count it as a win. Two literary quotes that have always make things like this seem not so bad:
"You never know what worse luck your bad luck saved you from."
-Cormac McCarthy, All The Pretty Horses"Assume the worst. About everybody. But don't let this poisoned outlook affect your job performance. Let it all roll off your back. Ignore it. Be amused by what you see and suspect. Just because someone you work with is a miserable, treacherous, self-serving, capricious and corrupt asshole shouldn't prevent you from enjoying their company, working with them or finding them entertaining.”
-Anthony Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential -
F-ing hell. My previous car was keyed in Baltimore and I've attempted to mentally prepare myself for it happening to my new one. I don't get bothered by the incidental wear and tear on things, but intentional destruction by others makes me livid.
May they fall into the next wood-chipper. Feet first.
Damn @Alex . May they get what's coming to them.
One of my buddies just had his motorcycle stolen right out of his front yard.
that's mad. that's proper fucked up. I'd key the cunt with a knife if I ever found out who did it.
this is also why dash cams are becoming such a norm.
these are poor idiots who do that @Alex. Sorry for that.
TL:DR - I'm passive-aggressively adhering to my company dress code policy by wearing the same outfit to work every day.
A couple of days ago at work I went out for a smoke break, and when I got outside all of my coworkers, including the site lead, were out having a smoke as well. As I walk up, one of the guys says "Nice pants! You always dress like you're having fun, lol", commenting on the woodland camo BDU pants I was wearing.***Note: I've worn these same pants to work probably once a week for the past year
The site lead looks up at my pants, puts out his cigarette and walks inside. Everyone else finishes smoking and joking, and we part ways heading back inside (My office is in a different part of the building than everyone else).
When I get to my desk, there is a random "FYI" email sent out to the whole team with a copy of the company dress code policy attached, which I'm SURE was directed to me specifically, as everyone else dresses very "normal".
So, to ruffle feathers while not breaking any rules, I will just wear the same outfit to work every single day, from here forth (or until I can't stand it anymore):
o plain black t-shirt
o IH-888-XHSib
o Birkenstocks -
I know I was "pushing the limits" before, bet there was well over a year of tacit consent on behalf of my current company and previous company… I had every reason to believe that I was fine after 19 months of smiles, waves, nods and compliments.
My "wear the same thing" plan is actually Plan B; Plan A was to dissect the poorly written dress code policy and wiggle through to still wear whatever I want to wear. As it is, the dress code policy only defines Business Attire, Informal Business Attire, Business Casual and Non-Business Casual. It also has a list of "unacceptable work attire"... but it never says what WE the employees should be wearing to work
I could craft some really "creative" outfits while not breaking any rules, but that's a more dangerous approach than what I'm taking.
Definitely will keep you all posted, lol
***I'm wondering how long it will take someone to actually say something/point it out... Any bets?
I did something similar years ago, but out of laziness, not spite. French blue button down, charcoal grey slacks, and a rotation of Dr. Martens 1461 oxfords.
Aside from a couple of compliments on the shoes, no one said a word for the two years I worked there. I suspect you'll break before they notice.
Oh, and to clarify, I wasn't wearing the same clothes day after day- I bought 5 of the exact same shirt and 5 of the exact same pair of pants. Like I said; lazy, not spiteful.
I'm kind of hoping that with the rise of remote work, we'll lose these "clock punching" attitudes and norms. Like the guy who dresses the nicest and gets to work the earliest and calls and attends the most meetings will no longer be considered to be the "best employee" and assumed to be "hard working" or "effective." The whole "company man" B.S.
Obviously it's not possible in every profession but there is even some thought that you could eventually be pseudonymous to even your employer, and that there actually may be some benefits to being so in a world where surveillance is becoming omnipresent and social media accounts create a permanent record of behavior.
Oh, and my bet is that you will give up before you get anything close to a satisfying reaction from anyone. People love to point out (low-key shame) non-conformity and/or uniqueness as a threat.