Random Announcements
@steelworker @mclaincausey @Giles Thank you.
My brother Doug died unexpectedly last week. He was just 40. He was a big IH fan too, but I don’t think he ever joined the forum.
He has 14 year old twin sons, and they’re already wearing some of his clothes.
One of his wife’s (well-meaning) friends told her she’ll want to throw all his clothes away soon. His wife told me her answer was along the lines of “Are you kidding? I’m keeping every single thing, and the boys and I will be fighting over who gets to wear what.”
Anyway, if you have someone you love that you haven’t seen in person or talked to on the phone in a while, do what you can to remedy that. Not even your next minute is guaranteed.
The story about Doug and his family gave me all the feels @jat thank you for sharing.
And your parting advice is excellent advice.
My brother Doug died unexpectedly last week. He was just 40. He was a big IH fan too, but I don’t think he ever joined the forum.
He has 14 year old twin sons, and they’re already wearing some of his clothes.
One of his wife’s (well-meaning) friends told her she’ll want to throw all his clothes away soon. His wife told me her answer was along the lines of “Are you kidding? I’m keeping every single thing, and the boys and I will be fighting over who gets to wear what.”
Anyway, if you have someone you love that you haven’t seen in person or talked to on the phone in a while, do what you can to remedy that. Not even your next minute is guaranteed.
My condolences. Lovely story though. Best wishes to his wife and boys.
sorry for your loss. @jat
[mention]jordanscollected [/mention]’s recent query about a 534 made me want to give y’all a PSA.
Re: these ebay auctions for classic Iron Heart items from Japan: Look through the site for lots of listings (different sellers) of the same item, and find the one with the lowest price. I’ve never gotten burned and bought some legit grail stuff—but don’t pounce on the first one you see, they will post it again more cheaply. Often at the same time as other listings for the same item. I don’t think there’s any scam, just maximizing visibility or something.
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The beast is drying on some fans.
I bet that much wet alpaca with a fan has your place smelling like a kennel @Filthy
It just smells like anhydrous ammonia because I am cooking meth down in basement
Just kidding… I smelled anhydrous ammonia all week where I was working and everything smells like ammonia now especially my hair.
Lord–I'm sure the smell of rancid beer at the brewery was a step up
If we've got any Kenosha, WI residents here hope you're staying safe tonight.
If we've got any Kenosha, WI residents here hope you're staying safe tonight.
I live about 40-45 minutes from. Local news coverage has been dominated by the trial/verdict/protests. Thankfully, things were relatively peaceful and quiet in Kenosha, last night…
… ??? ::)
… ??? ::)
Just to be clear: I do not think this is something to smirk about. It is a travesty and a tragedy.
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Even if this story is fake, it's still really creepy and interesting.
RIP Virgil Abloh [emoji3525]
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Saw that earlier — man that's some sad shit. So young.
I feel for his young family, and hope they allow his teams to carry out his legacy.
He did things the way he wanted, and he will always be a winner in my book for that reason.
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