Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
I agree, olive UHF - on board with either - preference being the ombré.
chambray herringbone workshirt
chambray herringbone workshirt
there’s this - a little heavier than the 10oz chambrays …
I don't think that's chambray and I'm not even sure a chambray herringbone is physically possible unless the pattern were printed on the fabric since chambray is a plan weave and herringbone is typically (if not always) a twill.
@steelworker , I am afraid @mclaincausey is right. A herringbone plain weave is impossible….
I think not. I'm not sure if we are weaving any more…
G or Alex, Is Shinayaka no more?
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@steelworker , I am afraid @mclaincausey is right. A herringbone plain weave is impossible….
The 308 is a great shirt - chambray or not - and not that much heavier than the “21”s imo …
@steelworker , I am afraid @mclaincausey is right. A herringbone plain weave is impossible….
damn. wrong. again.
I haven't kept up with IH the last 2 years or so…. But did you or are you going to make hoodies for the taller people? I have one zip up that I can't ever get rid of, but it barely sits below my belly. I need a XXL with a 30" length minimum. 32" would be awesome....
The IHSW-29 is one of my most used and functional pieces. Thus it'd be absolutely great if:
1. There were more of those types of collarless knits and sweats.
2. There were a slightly lighter version of the IHSW-29 with the otherwise same properties. I can't layer the current one with a wool pullover and cafe racer leather jacket.
Can a reverse overdye of jeans/jackets be done - black overdyed blue?