Random Announcements
Amazing Nem!!
Hasn't really sunk in as yet,,,,, gonna try the bike out next week….. Then I'll feel more complete,,,, slow and steady,,,,
Just got back from seeing my consultant,,,,,, I'm cancer free,,,
Best news innit! Did you post here before about your initial diagnosis? If so I missed it but cannae begin to express how fucking happy I am for you, my lad!
@Seul,, didn't post up about the initial diagnosis,,, as I was told Christmas 21,,,didn't wanna hand out bad news,, what with everyone being busy with families and Christmas,,, it's been fekkin tough,,, especially the chemotherapy,,, but I'm healing and my second stab at life has started,,, bring it the fekk on
@neph93,,,best phrase ever,,been on tenterhooks all week,, but it went my way,,,so happy days
Great to hear @nemesisnow1200 . Keep looking forward.
Just got back from seeing my consultant,,,,,, I'm cancer free,,, got another check up again September,,,,, but I'm free,,,,, thanks for all the kind words and support,,,,,,, now to get my health and stamina back,,,,, oh and get back on two wheels
@nemesisnow1200 Thats incredible news. I’m really happy for you.
@sabergirl Imogene is taking her newfound lesbian status very seriously, though according to her all of her friends are also lesbians and I’m a little skeptical of half of Ms McCann’s entire 4th grade class being lesbian. Im sure the boys are disappointed. I’m really pulling for her though.
@Giles We’re booked for Lisbon for the month of June 2023.
Happy 18th Anniversary to my lovely wife
Notice Amelia put an IH on my collar
Many happy returns of the day
Thank you guys [emoji3]
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Happy Anni!