Iron Heart spotted on celebrities
Speaking of Huberman, made me think of neuroplasticity, which reminded me of the David Byrne production “Theater of the Mind.” All I can say is buy the ticket and take the ride if you have the opportunity to experience that.
@Mizmazzle since I see your comment on neuroplasticity, it’s in denver I think through January. I’d recommend going with a group of friends. So cool.
Oh interesting @mclaincausey ill look into it. What is it, like a talk or a interactive experience or something?
David Byrne also has a really cool show going on called, “Theatre of the Mind.” Gets into how we perceive our own realities. I though that was pretty rad.
That’s… what I was referring to
Speaking of Huberman, made me think of neuroplasticity, which reminded me of the David Byrne production “Theater of the Mind.” All I can say is buy the ticket and take the ride if you have the opportunity to experience that.
I’m not going to say anything about what happens in the production. It’s best IMO for anyone who goes to do so without any expectations / preconceptions.
@mclaincausey haha. I just noticed your second “previous” message referencing Theatre of the Mind. Haha. Didn’t even see that message before. Not sure what this means about the plasticity of my mind…but I’m gonna venture to say…it’s not good haha
Same, brother, and painfulle so
@Mizmazzle but glad you went, it was an amazing experience for our group. We're all huge David Byrne fans, but really that only came into what made it cool in a fairly minor way.
Yea same here @mclaincausey huge Byrne fans and Mega Talking Heads fan. But agreed, no need to be a fan of the man to be fascinated by Theatre of the Mind. Really cool experience.
I recommend the Hubernam podcast with Anna Lembke to overcome your Ironheart addiction.
Johnny Marr gave IH a tag on Instagram yesterday, pretty cool
What a thrill to see a personal inspiration rocking out in our favourite denim! Thanks for sharing @october rust !
I thought he would be more of a 555 man but he sure looks good in the 634 fit anyway. -
Elon Musk
Picture from a Yahoo finance news article:
Oof. IH team gotta scrub that from the 'net.
Just goes to show you can find common ground with almost anyone