Giles' Kayak…...
I know its been a long time coming!! That Hobie looks sweet–-happy fishing Giles
no longer will you have to swim out to the pier to retrieve your snags, you can paddle over to them now!!!!
I hope you get pulled all over the channel by giant fish Giles.
no longer will you have to swim out to the pier to retrieve your snags, you can
paddlepedal over to them now!!!!I hope you get pulled all over the channel by giant fish Giles.
At last, after a ridiculously busy 3 weeks, I have had time to sort things out. Modifications to the trolley, so that I can easily get the cart into the scuppers on my own, test loading and unloading onto the roof rack on my own (which is surprisingly easy), and working out the quickest and most efficient way of securing the kayak to the rack.
Weather permitting, maiden voyage in the next couple of days…..
Bring that beaut over here… We have some bull sharks at the end of our street that need to be “rehomed” (aka caught, and disposed of lol)
Would be some fun fights in a kayak!
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The color of that kayak is just perfect. amazing setup and congrats on the maiden voyage. Now catch some fish and don't drop any rods and reels in the water.
Perfect fishing kayak. Did you christen her? Would love to hear her name.
That looks an absolute treat, congrats!
Perfect fishing kayak. Did you christen her? Would love to hear her name.
I'm mulling it over. I was going to do something clever and Japanese, but I may just keep it simple and call her something like Iron Hearted or MBMF…...