IH-634S-21L-IND - 21oz Left-Hand Twill Selvedge Denim Straight Cut – Indigo
@Daniel San What do you think about the 21 Lefty? Do you also own the 19 Lefty?
@Memphisakers i have both. Two entirely different beasts. The 21L gets soft and pliable very quickly. In color is much lighter to the 19L also. Is also has very different fading patterns than the 19L. The 19L although ligher in weight, on paper it gives a much heavier feel. Is very stiff to start with. Pretty similar to the 25oz. Takes much longer to soften up. It fades pretty fast with a vertical fading pattern. Its unsanforized and not been through post skewing process so you will get leg twist. All in all very different denim. I personally prefer the 19L which happens to be my favorite Iron Heart fabric but its obviously a personal preference. Both gorgeous fabrics comes down to what you want.
@yannis Thank you for the very thorough breakdown!!! That is exactly what I wanted to know. I have a pair on the 666 19L that I have just recently started wearing… and the 19L is also my favorite IH denim!! It feels invincible and fades in a VERY cool way!! I was kinda hoping the 21oz Lefty would just be a beefier version of the 19 and thinking I might need to start looking for a pair since it is extinct.
Haha!! Enjoy that 19L. Its a tank of a denim. Hard to beat. The 21L is very soft. Think traditional 21oz only gets softer even faster. Lots of white picking through. Looks much lighter in color from the 19L. It has interesting fading in its own right with electric blues coming through but not that serious vertical falling of the 19L. If you want variety, you can't go wrong. If you expect it to be a tougher version of the 19L you will be dissapointed.
Yep after wearing the 19L the other day I thought… I gotta find some of the 21L. If it’s like the 19 but thicker it must be insane
Still might be something I would like to check out at some point, but if it’s not similar to the 19L I won’t go crazy looking for it. I think the 19L might be my jam! That stuff is so good!! I can’t believe there is only 23 pages on the 666 19L thread.
Thanks for the info yannis!!
Its a very underrated Iron Heart Denim. Although there is a lot of love for the 19L jacket that is made from the same denim. Some people do not like skew and it was only available in the 634 and 666 cut. I think if it was available in the 555 and 777 it would of been more popular. If i am not mistaken there are plans for the 19L to come back in all cuts. In the meantime enjoy it my man. The more you wear it, the more you will love it. When it brakes in, feels like suede. It even changes color from lighter ro darker when you run your hand over it just like suede.
This is great news as I was wondering where all the LH denim went:
Cant wait -
Great news indeed.
Sorry for the late response Josh
I just have the 21L , but I absolutely love them.
As yannis said it’s very smooth and comfortable from the start . It is a heavy denim of course, but not that
hardcore as a 19L .
What I really love is the color, it’s very different to most of the other IH denims.
So if you ever get the chance to get them , pull the trigger you won’t regret!Here you can see the difference of the color
Thanks Daniel! You are right, that is a completely different color… I will keep an eye out for a pair!!
Do so , they are killer!
I know you’ll love them ! -
After some careful deliberation, I think I am going to wear my 21L the rest of the year. I love how smooth the denim is.
I wear mine almost every day , such a great denim !
Getting softer and softer with every wear . -
Yeah it is pretty great. See my comment above. Mine have less than 40 wears on them I think. I don't really keep track.
Too light for you probs but that’s one of the 17oz natural’s characteristics too. Super flat. Flat jeans evo in interesting ways, which is why my slubs are not top of queue ATM.
It's weird, the jeans feel maybe slightly lighter than flagship 21oz but I think that this is because the warrp threads are more tightly embedded into the weave. I'll bet after a hot wash they would thicken up a bit. But I don't want to wash them and I am not in a rush to trash them either. So I don't want to wash them for a long time or not at all.
They might be flat, but the smoothness, texture, and color of these is so good.