Changes to The Marketplace
Certainly can understand the desire for wanting people to be active members of the community in order to gain access to that section of the forum. ...
No, sorry but that's not the aim. It's about getting rid of 'members' thinking this is a free of cost selling platform for their shit.
But…. isn't it? I mean as long as they aren't scamming people, that's exactly what this forum has always provided...
But…. isn't it? I mean as long as they aren't scamming people, that's exactly what this forum has always provided...
Yep exactly, it is and it should be… but not for those using it as a selling-only tool, selling things that are not related to the idea of the forum and scamming people.
But…. isn't it? I mean as long as they aren't scamming people, that's exactly what this forum has always provided...
The Marketplace is not the forum’s raison d’être. It’s an extension of the forum itself. There has been a recent rise in people treating it as a free e-bay, including people selling items entirely unrelated to IH, without any apparent interest in the brand or related products. This is what @Chap is referring to, and one of the things we consider “spam”.
I have had great interactions with everyone I've bought from here and also enjoy reading through other posts.
This may give me the little push I needed to start participating more. You have a great forum here and I look forward to becoming more active on it.
This may give me the little push I needed to start participating more. You have a great forum here and I look forward to becoming more active on it.
Thanks for the response. For you and any others, here are a few places to start with neutral, stress free posting…
Who are you? What do you do? Why are you here? (Not as existential as it sounds) -
Where you @? -
Because everyone has questions, right? -
Collectors Corner -
I guarantee everyone will find something of interest here:
For those wanting affirmation, or just to show off (something we encourage), there’s this, arguably the heart of the forum. We are POSITIVE and honest here. This isn’t Reddit [emoji6]
FWIW, i think many people people on here would like to ban themselves from browsing the buy/sell forum. The "impulse steal of deal" is real frickin strong on there
while i understand the reasoning on this policy i'm not a fan
i've made several purchases on this site over the year and half since i discovered it but in all honesty clothing is something i wear and use not something i like to socialize/chat about so i'm well below the 20 post threshold.
in fact this is probably my first post
while i understand the reasoning on this policy i'm not a fan
i've made several purchases on this site over the year and half since i discovered it but in all honesty clothing is something i wear and use not something i like to socialize/chat about so i'm well below the 20 post threshold.
in fact this is probably my first post
Totally understand that this would negatively affect some people that way. It is an unfortunate side effect.
While you are most welcome here, eBay, Grailed etc. are dedicated to buying and selling and have a good selection of similar items. They also have their share of problems with bad faith sellers and buyers, but they also have software, protocols and manpower to deal with it. We aren’t about that and never will be.
We are about chatting and socialising first and aftermarket business comes a way down the list. We also need to tackle the spam/scam problem in as simple a way as possible.
"directly as possible" would be focusing directly on spammers and scammers instead of just blocking out legitimate folks with low post counts from one specific part of this site. i get that most of the forums on the site are conversation focused, and you may want that, but i'm personally on this forum BECAUSE OF THE MARKETPLACE, not to talk about other things…its first on my list even if it isnt on yours
i'm well aware there are other places that buy and sell, but i'm also aware that many items only get listed here as folks would rather avoid extra fees/etc. as i've said, i've made many purchases on this marketplace (more than my post count in fact).
bottom line is i personally come here to the marketplace to buy items (i normally give away things when i'm done with them instead of selling), and you are only limiting your selling opportunities by shutting out folks who are less conversational in the rest of your clubhouse
"directly as possible" would be focusing directly on spammers and scammers instead of just blocking out legitimate folks with low post counts from one specific part of this site.
This method is the most direct and effective we have available to us. This is not a professional sales platform. It is a relatively antiquitated SoMe v.1 piece of free software for an in-house brand forum. There’s no legal team, no bots. There are a couple of voluntary mods and IHUK staff.
As has been stated on this thread the method is not at all unusual on other similar forums, for the same reasons.
So it is a shame you feel personally impacted. But this is a community, not free one stop shop for secondhand clothing, regardless of how you view it.
You’ll make your 20 posts (no spam, follow guidelines), and go back to lurking, or you won’t.
got it
@boogieshafer You have made several constructive positive posts to the forum today and the feedback is valued. In doing so, you have just about reached the halfway point to being able to access the buy/sell feature again.
This kind of feedback strengthens us as a community and gives us ideas on how to make the forum better for everyone in the future.
It is an inconvenience, but in your own way you have made us stronger.
Thank you!
This may give me the little push I needed to start participating more. You have a great forum here and I look forward to becoming more active on it.
Thanks for the response. For you and any others, here are a few places to start with neutral, stress free posting…
Who are you? What do you do? Why are you here? (Not as existential as it sounds) -
Where you @? -
Because everyone has questions, right? -
Collectors Corner -
I guarantee everyone will find something of interest here:
For those wanting affirmation, or just to show off (something we encourage), there’s this, arguably the heart of the forum. We are POSITIVE and honest here. This isn’t Reddit [emoji6]
Thanks for the tips on these threads, appreciate it!
so… I love IH but don't really know what I am supposed to post about to get to 20 posts...
I’m 50 next year… also, I don’t think this place has that many boasters. It’s more about a shared interest in how we wear what we wear.
But to answer your question, there’s plenty of hobby threads, and other discissions. And if being social isn’t your thing then you have Grailed and eBay to sell your stuff. You can still come here for research and info.
I get guys that like the community thing, I do