What do you want to see from Iron Heart Racing?
The other thing I wanted to suggest is a new pair of jeans for truckers and people who have to sit for long periods of time. Like me. I have fantasized about these jeans for a long time now. So hopefully you will think they are feasible. I didn't think felled seams would be possible until I saw the 25oz vest…
Iron Heart 25oz XHS 18 Wheeler jeans!Concept for patch:
Key features:
25oz XHS selvedge denim in the ever popular 888 cut!
Zipper fly for easy pit stops!
Felled seams (double stitched for awesome roping) featuring a single selvedge detail on the outseam.
Slash pockets, deep and oversized to facilitate easy access while driving
Lightweight over sized coin pocket sewn into pocket bag
Oversized back pockets (same size as 805 overalls pockets) with blue stealth arcs for comfort sitting on those big walletsAnd… the best part!!
A one piece leg/seat with a single seam running up the middle (so that heavy intersection of seams is not there). Just say no to yokes!
The inside part of the outseam can be serged but the top piece should have the selvedge edge intact (back facing out).
Sorry for the crap Photoshop job. I haven't used it in close to 15 years. -
Oh shit I forgot to add that these should be available in up to size 44 for those husky truckers.
Oh man, I'd be so happy if you made those jeans! I fantasize about winning the lottery and buying an entire run of those at least once a day.
20z stretch Jeans with double stitched inseam.
i know the brand's main core group are harley riders. but what about something like the rider's jacket but with more protection. the kind where you get from brands like alpinestars, dainese and the likes.
something like this style but of course with an iron heart spin to it..
some little pet peeves i look at for a jacket in this part of the world is the versatility for winter and summer riding. something like a removable thermal liner. in australia especially, winter mornings can be cold but once the sun's out, it heats up real quick..
things like 2 outera pocket with zips and an inner pocket with zips, something i use fully especially when i'm not carrying a bag. although i'm not sure most harley rider's like this style but since it's a motorcycle brand, i thought why not suggest…
^ as I'm not a motorcycle rider I am not interested in the ih racing line, but fail to see the points you named. I take it as the ih core line stays as it is and the riding gear might interest some riders on top. I dont the why this could make everybody everywhere ih. When i first read about ih i could not dream of having multiple shops in europe, especially germany to buy it. But it has not ruined anything.
Trying to still fully understand the IHR brand esthetic (ie IH classic vs newer/younger racing), so I don’t know if this is more of an IHR or and IH classic piece, but I’ve always liked it.
I believe its a waxed canvas piece, but its by Jane Motorcycles and I’ve been admiring it for awhile. I personally like the woodland camp, but it also comes in a khaki/tan and black.
I like the little bit of extra length in the back, zippered gusset sleeve, fold over collar (with leather lining), and stain interior for ease of putting on. Could easily be lined with something else for warmth, but satin in the sleeves is such a nice thing to prevent bunching of my sleeves.
Also for function, there are zippered pouches throughout where protective guards can be inserted for when riding…I’m not a biker, but I have considered buying this for awhile and think if IHR made this with the right measurements I’d snatch it up.
- 1 for @Dstauffer 's suggestion. I would additionally like it to be seriously waterproof.
That's a good looking jacket, though I like it better in tan.
If you make those trucker jeans, would love to see them in another weight/fit if they sell well, lol. Getting way ahead of myself but the details look great.
Wow this is nuts to me. HD is struggling to stay relivent in an already shrinking motorcycle market. Today’s youth are much more educated with info. I have owned five HD and I’m 53 yrs old. If I buy another bike it will not be overweight underpowered HD.( With 80% of the parts made in India. ) I am more interested In electric KTM. Honestly it seems IH has jumped the shark here. I was hoping somthing like this would not happen to this wonderful brand. I was hoping you would make less different items. And stick to the basics. Oh well you can’t stop progress but you can stay one step ahead of it.
I don’t want to see IH on everyone everywhere that’s why I use to buy it.Good night sweet prince IH.
At least you'll be able to say I wore Iron Heart before it got cool ::)
@Ranchhand I’m not sure I follow your logic. On the one hand you’re saying there isn’t a market for this and it will fail, on the other hand you don’t like it because you’ll “see IH on everyone”. Those things seem mutually exclusive to me.
Either way, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. IH is and will remain IH. The core collection and seasonal products will be there still. These new brands are just that, new brands with a specific target group in mind. It is quite a narrow target group as well so it’s not exactly world domination G and H are going for here. If anything it’s even more niche than IH is.
It’s worth remembering that this is really just an extension of what IH does anyway. In Japan it’s almost exclusively a biker brand and most of those guys are crazy about HD. In the US and Europe there are at least as many non biker customers as biker customers. So I see this is a way of creating gear that caters for an audience in the US that is similar to the audience in Japan, without dicking around with the core brand.
Personally I don’t own a Harley and it’s a long while since I’ve ridden, but I’m excited to see new gear of the quality we’ve come to expect with a different focus. I’m not in the target group but I hope and suspect there may be bits of kit that appeal to me as well. That’s win/win.
I wish Giles, Haraki, Alex and Tom and all involved the best of luck with these new ventures.