IHSH-234-CAM - Kersey Western Shirt - Camel
Can anyone explain the difference between this and the serge fabric that will be releasing in the near future?
I've got my eye on one of them… Wondering if the fabric is a deciding factor.
@Jbailla2 I'd say that this is more like a corduroy. It is rather heavy, though. I have the indigo and it has a similar feel to a UHF IMO. It's not as heavy, of course, but in that same range. I don't own any of the other fabric, but I do know that the shorts from last season were made of it. Maybe they are the same? If so, someone with the shorts could tell you.
@Giles do you have both in Gosport now? Maybe one of the Crew could take a side by side picture of the fabric for him/us. Or I can do it when I get both.
Thank you, @Steve!
A picture is worth a thousand words. Definitely see the difference. Thank you.
I just noticed, but did the price change on this? I thought it was listed at 290$. Not that big of deal, but just curious.
How about those who saw 290$ can pay 290$?
Yes I saw it too
So close! Can't wait for this one.
Maybe the mistake was that it should have said $390 [emoji15]
You're the "the glass is half full" kind of guy, I see
You pay what you see!
By the way, have the measurements gone up?