Iron Heart WAYWT - 2020 Edition
That GA wallet chain is mind-blowing. Josh had some limited edition Christmas packs of a GA wallet, chain, clip, and Shazam for ~3k and just for a second I was tempted before I took it out of my cart. Maybe someday!
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The green wallet on their instagram? Yeah that‘s amazing… my kit:
William Gibson x Buzz Rickson MA-1 - Long / IHTB-06 / Nudie / Viberg
IH hunting vest, TFH tee, IH 555 N, Viberg
high praise indeed coming from you @neph93, undisputed vest King! I love it very much. Mrs T appreciates it when I wear it over a tee, but I wore it over my IHSH 33 once, and she really didn't dig it!
OD Lefty (tour jacket) | TFH | IH-801 | 70s
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IH over dye Type I
White SD61F Pennsylvania-in January- ??? ::)
@steelworker that OD type I is so sweet, looks great. It concerns me that we are having a mild winter in most parts of the UK too. Plants and birds don't know what's going on, budding and nesting already.
IH over dye Type I
White SDLooking good Ed.
I have that IHTP-4 from about five and a half years ago and still love the colour and cut.
Buzz Dickson
Moonstars -
Jules; IH-526Jod / Samurai / Louis Vuitton
@den1mhead quite the 2020 Milk Tray man looks great
A classic @neph93 bog shot.. Real McCoy's watch cap, Real McCoy's 1st Model M65 IH 33 IH 555 SBG Red Wing
William Gibson x Buzz Rickson MA-1 - Long / IHTB-06 / Nudie / Viberg
Hey Barcley, love that jacket! What size did you go with? I'm a huge fan of Gibson's Pattern Recognition book, I've always wanted to pick up that Jacket.
@den1mhead quite the 2020 Milk Tray man looks great
That's uncanny as the Mrs called me the Milk Tray man this morning. Your M65 is the
I'm a huge fan of Gibson's Pattern Recognition book
You know Gibson is an IH fan? In «Zero History» the Gabriel Hounds jacket that Cayce Pollard’s replacement receives from Bigend could be an overdyed IH trucker from the way it is described.
They doesn't surprise me now but when I read that book, I didn't know about Buzz Rickson and his colabs. I need to re-read those!
I do remember Gibson including details on Case's denim purchases towards the beginning of Neuromancer and wondering why he went out of his way to mention it. In hindsight, it makes sense.
Red Cloud Collective wool beanie
25 oz. vest
American Giant
Stupid Timberlands (White's MP on the way this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!)Sunday at the Arboretum conservatory