Random questions to which you seek an answer
@Giles seems as though it's the old 21oz selvedge with the white weft @sabergirl is this what you remember? Fascinating chat this evening.
Got a pair of jeans with two little vampire holes in the back pocket from the tag that was there I believe. Do these close up with wear and washing?
@bluemantra very likely to close up and never to be seen again after washing.
Has anyone ever installed a zipper on their heavy denim jeans? Is this considered sacrilege? Will I be walked through the street and shamed publicly?
@Go-For-Chill Which cut are you wearing? I know the 634 had a zippered version (IH-634Z)
@Go-For-Chill FYI, I have moved your question here. And no, certainly not sacrilege:
@Tago-Mago Mid reply I might add. I’d even written that it’d probably get moved, but you beat me to it.
Tago, thanks! I'm still learing where everything goes in this forum.
chrisjohnnick, I have the 634 in 21oz right now, but I'm looking at a pair of 633 in 25oz. I work in live production and half of my bathroom breaks are done as quickly as humanly possible.
@popvulture It's interesting to see these recommendations. I appreciate them, but to be honest, I can't picture myself buying a stretcher. Maybe I'd create some kind of jig....
The question it raises to me though is why the same malleability wouldn't occur from just wearing the pants as I have for the past five months... Would cold washing them help? A while ago I dropped a spot of acrylic paint on the pants and in trying to dab the spot off the dye really bled from the area in a way that scared me from washing them for good...