Samples - New Products We Are Working On
@Alex so good to hear!
@Alex said in Samples - New Products We Are Working On:
First sample is ready
Heck yeah, stoked to see a new cut! I bet it was pretty cool to have a pair in your hands, Alex. What are your thoughts? Are you going to wear the sample?
@Oaktavia I want your questions answered, and what denim these are sampled in? What denim(s) are you planning to produce in? Will they fit over moon boots? What is the planned rise of these?
@jordanscollected I was going to ask those same questions also, this is pretty exciting...though I definitely do not need any more pants.
@Alex Such a tease!
Would love a wide leg opening. We don't get those often.
@Oaktavia you may not if you're strictly talking numbers, but these may be great for sleepwear in the summer.
@goosehd . Never able to wear the 461. Thigh was impossible. 463 is glorious
@jordanscollected you've got a point there
I really hope these have a higher rise like the 888
@Alex he indicated that they will be of higher rise.