IH-1955S - 21oz Selvedge Denim "1955" Vintage Tapered Cut Jeans - Indigo
Only the Shop and IHUK @Iron_wombat
@JoshC Yep that was mad. I guess it's decision made for me though and I'll wear the 888s full time until these are re-stocked next year (?)
@FlavourFade thanks mate, just got hold of a pair of size 34s
@Iron_wombat congrats buddy
Clearly monster thirst for this combination of denim and cut. I’m curious whether the 14oz 1955 will fly like these did.
It's wild how much demand there was this time around. I grabbed my pair a few years ago, at least a year after the most recent restock, they were mostly sold out but still had no trouble locating a pair from a stockist. If I recall the sentiment around then was "no one wants the 1955" and "no, we definitely won't be offering this in 25oz, it's hard enough to find buyers at 21oz."
Just shows how much tastes have changed, wider legs and higher rises are back. Maybe the 25oz version has a chance now...
XHS, lefty or UHR
@RobeOfTheMagi the 727 Chinos (in a 888 style cut). I’ve been waiting on a restock of them since around 2022, and apparently they’re dropping 4 colourways this season, so that’s a chunk of change.
They're great! I've got a pair. Enjoy them :).
managed to get a pair, i hope we see these restocked more, maybe in 16 oz slubby
How much will the thigh stretch on ih? I find it difficult to fit my thighs which nornally need 14.5 but waist is 35 i think the 1955 36 should fit after they stretch
@Streetninja007 You can't really put a figure on it and you should know if they are for you or not once you put them on and if they are a tiny but snug they may relax a bit with wear but if they are too small to begin with then they will always be.
@Streetninja007..You are trying to go from a 13.8 inch thigh to a 14.5. That is asking for alot. I had similar issues in the past and trial and error taught me that I never get more than 0.4 to 0.5 stretch on the thigh..So I think you need to go tag 36.
@yannis thank you for the input ya im struggling in the denim world finding ones that fit bigger thighs and not a huge waist
I like that the 1955 is described as being extremely flattering on a variety of body types. Hopefully that includes short legged people because I’m one of them. The most flattering pics I’ve seen have been of taller people with this. I don’t care though, my stumpy little ass will be trotting these out at work as soon as I get them. I’m excited.
@drewfonse Yeah it's interesting, as a smaller/average person myself I also tend to find pictures of normal people help me better in my decisions. For example, what sold me on these is actually the pictures @JoshC shared higher up in this thread and the direct comparison with a pair of 888 and both of these pairs being worn and cut to the right length etc
I understand these are once washed, however, would you (hot) soak them before the first wear or just get going right out the envelope
@Alexander 21oz and you can wear them out of the bag. I always do.