RIP Filthy Mike
I am very sorry to read this. I didn't know Mike, although I've read many of his posts. I don't think we shared much, but we both were cat lovers.
I remember a thread he posted where he did indigo dyeing. I had had that same idea in the back of my mind and seeing his thread pushed me to do the same. I ended up spending a day or so dyeing a few tee shirts with my son. It was a good time, a special shared moment. I'm happy to say Mike had a small part in it.
Wow, so sad to hear this. Filthy’s posts were incredibly helpful for me when first learning about Iron Heart. He was a very kind person I could tell. He will be missed!
Go well Filthy
Filthy, you are an IH legend (regardless of which forum iteration is in place) and you will be missed by all.
We only interacted a couple of times, but I gained a great deal of knowledge by reading your posts & comments. Your passion & generosity are an inspiration to me. I wish I had gotten to know you better, but I want you to know that you are loved and appreciated.
We share much—a given name, a birth year, stomping grounds (roughly), a checkered past. I’m a little bit Filthy. Godspeed.
Rest in power my brother
If it is ok with the other members I would like gift both of the pairs of jeans that I have for sale here to another forum member in honor of Filthy. He was well know to gift things to other members and I can’t think of a better way to honor him! He really was a kind generous person. Please just post a memory of filthy here so we can all share it and send me a DM with your address and which ones fit you and I’ll get them to ya. I think he would like that
888 UHR 34x36
705 Serge cargo 31x36You will be so sorely missed Mike…
I’m so sad to hear that Mike has passed on from this consciousness. I hope he’s enjoying wherever he is now.
Mike was the best friend I never met. And I regret not being able to meet him in person! He was such an amazing and gracious human being!
We texted and voice texted more than we talked on the forum and all the IH that I ever bought for my dad came from Mike. I’ve been thinking about him a lot lately and was just getting ready to send him a care package. Despite his “troubled soul” I always found him in mostly good spirits and always ended our conversations feeling better. I’m so happy that I bought his 822’s when I did. They will always remind me of him.I was very proudly influenced by
the ‘Filthy effect’RIP Filthy 25oz junkie
[emoji174]Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If it is ok with the other members I would like gift both of the pairs of jeans that I have for sale here to another forum member in honor of Filthy. He was well know to gift things to other members and I can’t think of a better way to honor him! He really was a kind generous person. Please just post a memory of filthy here so we can all share it and send me a DM with your address and which ones fit you and I’ll get them to ya. I think he would like that
888 UHR 34x36
705 Serge cargo 31x36You will be so sorely missed Mike…
It is 100% more than OK and a lovely gesture.
I am trying to get a few of Mikes pieces here so that we can run auction them off and donate the proceeds to The American Heart Association, his family's charity of choice.
One forum member has already offered out of the blue to send me a pair of jeans Mike gifted to him, I'm going to see what else I can rustle up.
Just logged on and read the news, this hit me in the stomach hard.
I never really talked to Mike even though I must have read over a hundred of his posts. He was one of the pillars of this forum, that's for sure. Hope he is in a better place and my thoughts go out to his family and friends.
RIP brother -
thats a wonderful idea Giles ! -
@tody Agreed! I really like the one this morning!
I’ve been reading this for the past few days and haven’t had it in me to post yet. I had a good cry last night over it. The sadness is still there, and it is time to honor this kind man.
I was fortunate enough to meet Mike in Pittsburgh for an afternoon with Seth. Knowing that he was a Pittsburgh Punk, I knew a lot of the people in that circle from my young and wild days. I was a little apprehensive about meeting up… After saying hello and talking for a few minutes, I knew that he had graduated from the “punk houses”. For me, it’s so inspiring meeting people that have grown up in a rough area go from a tough life to one they enjoy. Mike gave me the inspiration of perseverance right off the bat.
So we all met up at a sushi spot and had a really nice lunch. We talked everything denim. I remember so much about how Mike loved the smooth feel of the texture of the denim, especially the 21oz. He really spoke to how the fabrics felt on his body when he was wearing them. It was more than clothes, it was really a part of who he was. That really stuck out to me. It wasn’t just the style, brand, color, etc. it was all how it felt and how it made him feel wearing it. This is why we’ll miss you man. You gave the pieces you wore every bit of your life.
Mike lived his life in his Iron Hearts and I think that gave us all inspiration. Happy Continuation Mike. Your body is no more, yet your energy will always be here.
️Fueled by Iron Heart
@fadez that was fu*king lovely man!
Looks like the 888s will be headed to scarfmace… wear them with pride my friend! -
To honor a legend [mention]Memphisakers [/mention]
And to everyone else. Thank you for sharing your experiences. This is why the Iron Heart Forum is what it is. We’re here for the denim and we’re here for each other. Much love and respect to all of you [emoji1308][emoji170][emoji158]
I am trying to get a few of Mikes pieces here so that we can run auction them off and donate the proceeds to The American Heart Association, his family's charity of choice.
One forum member has already offered out of the blue to send me a pair of jeans Mike gifted to him, I'm going to see what else I can rustle up.
Any chance of anything going to the care of Pickles?
I would love to take a pair of his bibs on a trail ride in memory of his passion for Iron Heart. I'll even wear 8" cuffs
had awhile to think through..
haven't been on the forum and this is the first news I see when I refresh the page. it's absolutely heartbreaking to see this wonderful soul missing from the forum. although I've never met him in person, I'm glad to have met him through the happy hour chats in the rough early mornings of (my time) and interacted with him.