IH-829-IND - 21oz Serge Work Pants - Indigo
I am trying to practice restraint here and not add another pair to the pile. These are in fact a continuous production and will re-release in a couple years/give or take?
@flannel-slut ...you never know. I've been burnt before thinking that something would come back...
️I do not need these
Ordered, can hardly wait 🥳
@sabergirl Awesome pants!
@Alex Cheers mate! I’ve been rockin’ the 814-IND painters pants for a good year now, so I figured it was time to change it up. Looking forward to these.
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@Mister_Brue fucker has direct access to my bank account
@endo Thanks buddy! Merry Christmas to you too
@Alex_24 those are made for someone your size and shape Alex. You really wear those well.