Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
I haven't kept up with IH the last 2 years or so…. But did you or are you going to make hoodies for the taller people? I have one zip up that I can't ever get rid of, but it barely sits below my belly. I need a XXL with a 30" length minimum. 32" would be awesome....
The IHSW-29 is one of my most used and functional pieces. Thus it'd be absolutely great if:
1. There were more of those types of collarless knits and sweats.
2. There were a slightly lighter version of the IHSW-29 with the otherwise same properties. I can't layer the current one with a wool pullover and cafe racer leather jacket.
Can a reverse overdye of jeans/jackets be done - black overdyed blue?
If I'm understanding correctly, the suggestion is to take a pair of black denim jeans and overdye them with indigo. Yes?
If H did that, then I have 100% forgotten, but from my, admittedly plebian viewpoint, I cant see what would be notable about them. The indigo would shed, to reveal black…..No?
You are understanding correctly,but I could be wrong as well. I think one of the Forum members ,who lives in Seattle(Can’t remember his user name) was there. Also,for that reason,maybe that’s why they were never made. Just checked in the thread Padmores hit the West Coast from Feb.2018 Madmonday posts something about super black denim that’s been over dyed?
Have you ever considered a Natural Tan vest? Type 3 or something I could wear on horseback.
2018 Madmonday posts something about super black denim that’s been over dyed?
Could maybe have been a reference to the mad blacks?
Have you ever considered a Natural Tan vest? Type 3 or something I could wear on horseback.
I am sure we could do that…..Let me have a think......
@Giles This might have been asked many times I guess, but I thought of asking you. Is there a canvas jacket like the Ship John Wills on the cards? Would you even consider making one like that from IH?
2018 Madmonday posts something about super black denim that’s been over dyed?
Could maybe have been a reference to the mad blacks?
. The post I’m referring to was from 2018,so there was no Mad Black at the time.
A stain finally made its way onto the front neck gusset of my natural IH sweatshirt. I will try to Oxi-Clean it away before a soda ash soak and an ice dye, but I would love to see another run, perhaps this time including zippered hoodies and that zippered stand-up collar thing y'all do. Maybe in branded and unbranded models?
I’d love to see, and bear with me here because I know it sounds crazy, …a 21oz Superblack Selvage denim.
I’d love to see, and bear with me here because I know it sounds crazy, …a 21oz Superblack Selvage denim.
. Someone correct me if I’m wrong,but I thought that was actually talked about at one point.