Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
Here’s another idea, how about a forum flannel, like the Kanreki shirt that was made for Giles’ 60th? Giles could get some fabric swatches for us to look at and then all we’d have to determine is weight, pattern and whether or not it would be a work shirt or western. I think IH’s flannels are second to none because the patterns/colors are amazing. Not sure if it’s less risky to make shirts versus denim though
I retract my forum flannel shirt suggestion
A forum flannel shirt is a bad idea because of potential sizing issues. I think it was @Giles that mentioned before, especially if IH did pre-orders, is if you get X number of orders per size and those sizes come under spec then you've pissed off a bunch of other people whose size didn't work out.
Same is true of jeans, to a point.
I don’t know why but denim seems more consistent in terms of fit. Has IH ever dealt with denim runs that came under spec?
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I would buy those for sure.
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IHSh-159 in work shirt
The fabric is so unique , beautiful and amazing . I never see any denim fabric like IHSH-159
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I’m with you on that one, brother! That fabric has some amazing fade potential for sure. Although I must admit, given that the workshirt crowd got the (under the radar classic) 165, I really don’t feel left out.
How about chainstitched denim shirts or vests? Iron heart across the back with a badass pic would be insane! I know I’d pop all over that, a quality trucker cap would be another suggestion
Kinda like this, it’s my fav flathead shirt
I'll suggest a 21oz denim work pant.. 816 21oz??
Oh fuck yes!!!!!
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This is one of my son’s flannels. I’d like to see a uhf in a similar colorway. Or is this too close to the ihsh-37?
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I'm lucky this way, I can wear denim to work. But I try to dress it up a bit and often look for a heavy duty white Oxford. Gitman does a good job, the better of the Brooks Brothers is okay but not what it could be. What it could be is Iron Heart. Maybe it's too far from work wear but that's what I should wear to work–-an Iron Heart white Oxford with a perfect roll collar button down, the real deal. Just an idea. Thanks for having me.
Iron Heart white Oxford with a perfect roll collar button down, the real deal. Just an idea. .
It's a good idea and not the first time it has been suggested. In fact IHUK were looking at starting a line of formal/semi-formal shirting (see here: Samples were made but the project is currently on hold.
I believe that Haraki-san made an IH Oxford shirt way back when too, you can browse the extinct section to check. The white chambray work shirts that pop up from time to time, combined with newer denim and a maybe a vest, do a pretty good job of being "business casual", for those of us who can get away with it.
The point being, while there may not be much available now, something will show up at some point.
Iron Heart white Oxford with a perfect roll collar button down, the real deal. Just an idea. .
It's a good idea and not the first time it has been suggested. In fact IHUK were looking at starting a line of formal/semi-formal shirting (see here: Samples were made but the project is currently on hold.
I believe that Haraki-san made an IH Oxford shirt way back when too, you can browse the extinct section to check. The white chambray work shirts that pop up from time to time, combined with newer denim and a maybe a vest, do a pretty good job of being "business casual", for those of us who can get away with it.
The point being, while there may not be much available now, something will show up at some point.
I always throw my hat in the ring when this topic comes up. I (still) think a semi-formal vest will be a popular item. Pike Brother’s does a decent job here but the quality isn’t that of IH.
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I still think an IH wool sports coat like below would be awesome, and fit into the brand's aesthetic. But please use 2way zips if you ever do
It would be lovely. Although the Melton wool m65s hanging around in the Outlet may suggest that this isn’t a popular fabric at the moment. Which btw is utterly ridiculous as those jackets are quite phenomenal. The cut is amazeballs while the wool manages to be both warm, water resistant, beautiful and smart all at the same time. Go figure.
Agreed, @neph93
I think that wool M65 is my favorite IH outerwear of all time but my closet is so full.
Selvedge, heavy melton wool, water resistant, and in an M65–I thought it would be gone before I could blink.