Random Love (anti-rants)
Haven’t we seen enough hate and darkness over the last thousands of years. The self claimed superior and most intelligent species in earth; the human being. It makes me sad but I will never loose faith in humanity.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can.
Exchanges like these are a big part of what keeps me coming back to this forum. Y'all are good people. It gives me hope when I see the love being shared here. I teach high school History here in the US, and I use my platform as much as possible to share and spread messages of love, respect, and kindness rather than fear, intolerance, and bigotry. Tough times these days as we see the often violent reaction against progress that has been fought for in decades past. As a dad with young children, I can't help but hope that the voices of reason (like many of the ones here on this forum) will win out in the long run.
Not sure what you’re feeling good about, Dennis—I’m glad you’re happy. I can’t say I find much bright and shiny stateside at the moment. More dark days ahead for the US of A.
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I hear you, @sabergirl — I feel the same way at the moment. Bleak times. Sending a hug across the webbernet
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can.
You've got my love brother, from the bottom of my heart.
Shoutout to @sabergirl and all women here… Y'all safe here but unfortunately it's the only god-dang place y'all are safe at...
@MisterEclectic huge respect my son… Beautiful work... Good teachers are so fucking important...
@Seul Appreciate the kind words.
Very nice expressions of love on the forum. Nice.
I’m going to share something here that I shared with @goosehd in pm yesterday. Many of you may be familiar with The Hold Steady and their singer/lyricist Craig Finn. He has a few maxims I’ve always liked but I’ve increasingly come to believe are rules for life.
Hold steady, stay positive, be honest. We all want the same things.
100% @Seul We are far past "we want the same things, we just see different ways to get them."
The sad reality is that substantial number of humans want to deprive others of the "same things" that they would like to reserve for themselves.