Repairs & Modifications
Nice modif @neph93 ! I like the cordovan/brass combo even better than the original silver one.
I agree that brass works very well and is aesthetically more pleasing than silver, with the burgundy cordovan. This despite the fact that silver seems more appropriate given the qualities of materials involved.
I used to strive to keep my hardware one colour but I’ve given up. I love my silver GA and IH gear, and brass and tan leather together is great beautiful, so I mix it and no longer give a fekk.
Nice neph93! Along the same lines but not as elegant is my modification to my OGL-BMW wallet.
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I picked up an old A-2 deck jacket and there was a stencil on the back that was quite faded. I took the jacket to a local sign making shop and they took a few pictures and measurements and made a stencil for me to re-do it. I think it turned out great. I wish I had a before photo but here it is finished.
Auxiliary Repair Dry Dock ^^
Ya it’s pretty cool, there is a faded leather name patch on the front and was able to find out that the owner was the commanding officer there from 79-82.
555N have a pocket bag come away at the top seam. Put new iphone in what I thought was the pocket and it promptly dropped down the inside of my jeans and landed on my foot!
Anyone any ideas how to fix it ?
Thanks, that's a generous offer, but the jeans are well worn, I will see what I can DIY over my Christmas break.
Anyone have experience or ever soaked their IH denim in bleach/water to lighten them up?
that doesn't sound a good idea
Anyone have experience or ever soaked their IH denim in bleach/water to lighten them up?
that doesn't sound a good idea
Well, alright then.
@Untucked bleached a IHSH-33 once. But he bleached it totally. It ended up a very cool off-white. But that was mad scientist stuff.
I’d say bleaching to lighten is a very risky business in terms of achieving the effect you want. Why you’d want that is another matter. If you want a washed denim then you could just find a pair of LVC’s with the prefered colour.
Thanks, @neph93. I'm feeling the mad scientist vibe (like @UnTucked) but also hesitant in case it turns out uneven, splotchy, or cause tears/holes. But I do have an old pair of 633s that I'm considering as the guinea pig to test it out. However, I'm just deciding if it's even worth my time and effort in doing so.