I kinda dig that, too.
Hickory stripe Copeland looks good, too.
The skew isn't as severe as the pictures let on. And the fabric is really great, with a nice open weave. I really like the shirt a lot. The body is a tad short. But it fits good. The best part about the shirt is the long oversized pockets.
I tried to get a fit pic and my phone kept blowing over and I was running to get up there… so sorry for the weird face. An XL fits great even though I am pretty fat recently.
Thanks! I'm surprised nobody noticed that I got a haircut… it was about 16 inches long when I cut it off.
I'm a huge Indigofera fan. Here's my current inventory:
Grant jacket
Kurt jacket
Hawley suede shirt
Copeland shirt
Fargo shirt x 2
Bryson shirt x 2
Dollard shirt x 2
Norris shirt
Ryman shirt
Delray shirt
Nash jeans x 2
Ray jeans
Willow jumper
Hank granddad t-shirt
Wool blanket -
Really digging this Hawley Suede Shirt:
Pic from Burg & Schild.
Here's a picture of the Hawley suede shirt that I own. The post is from 2016 (page 2 of this thread).
I really like Indigofera too @going_to_battle and your collection is impressive. I got this Copeland in early 2018 at Rivet and Hide on my honeymoon. I wasn't aware of Iron Hearts amazing brand and forum at that point, and though i now lean heavily towards IH, I have a soft spot in my heart for Indigofera as my first raw denim shirt. I nearly bought the Grey suede Hawley last winter but alas, it sold the day before i planned to buy it from Standard and Strange for $400 (originally $800 i think).
Here is my Copeland with about 2 years wear and a few washes. This entire post makes me miss fall and winter.
@jordanscollected Lovely shirt mate. A bit too big for me is IF but they make some lovely shirts.
@AdamJ Thanks my friend. Something i've never had the pleasure of saying. "I'm too small for the smallest size in that brand".
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Lovin my Nash 18oz. Anyone have pics of the handdip 13oz in the wild.
I’m a huge fan of the Alamo shirts. They just get better with each wear. Importantly, like IH shirts, they have generous sleeve length which is too often a problem with other makers
The blankets look interesting as well but I’ve never pulled the trigger on those
I agree on the button up shirts. I have a small Alamo and it’s more like a medium I’d say. Their tees are great and more TTS.