Random Rants
Last wednesday, I started up my truck and it immediately made a terrible sound… Thought I had diagnosed it to either an Exhaust Manifold Crack (Common in my car) or Intake manifold gasket deterioration (common, but less common.)
on Friday: Took it to the shop, turns out it was a failed bearing in the cooling fan bracket. Left it overnight, picked it up the next day
Saturday: I hadn't made it 12 meters from the driveway of the shop, some idiot rear ended me. Wouldn't normally be a big deal, but considering that my Land Cruiser is almost 20 years old with an accident free auto history, it's a pretty rare gem... so I was pissed. This was Saturday.
Sunday: Wife took the truck to the grocery and managed to completely destroy the KeyFob. Stuck with the spare now.
Today: Woke up and a mouse (can't find it, probably got in at the shop) managed to chew up my speaker housings.
Tomorrow: FOR SALE: 2002 Land Cruiser - alot of recent service work, needs new speaker housings.
Thanks gentlemen @Clint_D @Giles - to be fair, the key was cracking already. I'm sure I can fix it with super glue, but after having to fix the fan bearing, my wife has placed a freeze on anything "unnecessary" for the Cruiser (Which is fair).
To make matters worse, I just tried to find the culprit (Mouse) and it seems he managed to chew both of our car seats nearly apart (straps, rockers, etc.) My biggest fear is that he is hiding under the floorboards, only to die and stink up the place - which Clint knows, I worked hard refreshing the interior after the Marlboro Man owned it previously haha.
Also - if you are going to get rear ended, make sure you have a pretending tailor hitch [emoji41]
The LC after impact:
The VW that hit me (my hitch and exhaust tip pretty much went straight through his bumper lol)
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Yesterday, after taking the car apart and noticing it has pretty much entirely chewed apart out car seats ($800 worth of damage), I set additional traps to catch the mouse that has taken refuge in my truck. I knew it wouldn't come out in the daylight, but luckily, I coached late last night, so I was hoping he would take some bait once the sun goes down.
Take the bait he did, and he also managed to drag the trap away, and I can't find the damn thing.
Not only did he manage to move the sticky trap (a small one because I thought it was a field mouse) and "hide" it from me somewhere in the bellows under the front passneger seat, but he also managed to break free.
While he was free last night, he decided to begin to tear apart my rear bench seat - effectively chewing apart a seat belt (the clip part, not the belt part) as asll we tearing a HUGE hole in the leather and removing a ton of the padding ($700 for the leather to re-upholster the seats + $300-500 to install them).
So now, my total damage from this mouse in my truck in nearly $2000.
WTF did I do in this world to deserve this?
I’m sorry too Adam. That’s nuts…. but I don’t think this is a mouse. I think Rat.
It's probably something bigger than a mouse.
The marten causes millions of dollars worth of damage every year in Germany. I never heard of them until I moved here.
It seriously is hilariously ridiculous.
And yeah, I’ve come to accept it’s probably a rat with as much damage as it has done - although I’ve seen field mice chew through concrete, so who knows they are capable of.
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haha thanks @Jett129
Is there a NIMH research facility in Alabama?