User Experiences
Early days for me was circa 2013/2014. Having been introduced to IH through another forum thread titled "Anybody a jeans fan?" i found a culture that never or didnt wash their jeans often! Being OCD and a germaphobe, I found the concept unnerving. To say the least. I started perusing the IH forum and found multiple threads and information that peaked my interest. starting with the whole team never wash concept, I used the forum to investigate the who what where how and why, and more why someone would NOT wash (via machine) their jeans after EVERY ware. Second to this, through the course of learning, I discovered the heavy weight denims, types, bleed factors and propensity of owners to post pics of their evolution (aka evo). Ive always, since the 70's, been a fan of Levis raw jeans. something about wearing cardboard. Anyway, I started with a couple of fresh raw pairs of Roundhouse (made in the USA) and Levis 501's to test my meddle for the whole "not washing" thing to determine IF I could.?. In parallel, i wanted to know the premise of cost of IH, not from a OMG theyre sooooo expensive perspective, but WHY and what the cost would afford me. (focus on 25oz denim) The members of this forum and posts revealed vast information on the materials, construction and longevity of the product. And it was, and is fun! Fast forward to December2015 and receipt of my 1st pr, IH666XHS! Who knew! Oh that sweet, sweet nectar that 2.5 pr of Levis in one pair!!! My gateway selvedge heavyweight see if i can hang with team never wash jeans! well, i have, for the most part, beyond my OCD/germaphobe comfort zone. Washing (via soak in bathtub with minimal soap) only when they get ripe!
I hope this convoluted memoir finds a new member and or new to IH products of interest. Sufficed to say they (the IH products and forum members) are in short, cool!
I was basically a lurker for a number of months. I discovered IH right around the same time I started to really get into the clothing 'world' that IH and the like reside. Basically, I saw IH garments via Self Edge's website and my honest initial question/opinion was, "what is so good about this shirt?" There were a few on their site that I really liked, but at the time, it wasn't $3XX worth of like…. Or so I thought. Ended up going to the IH retail site which led me to the forum. From there I just read through all the product threads on the items I really liked, mostly with the goal of trying to figure out what is so good about this or that thing. The product threads gave me the background I was looking for into why IH is what it is and reading other veteran members experiences, opinions, and seeing their photos really helped give me a good idea of why the Superblack Johnny Cash western was worth $350 (my first IH piece). From there it was just a matter from branching out into the other threads and kind of becoming one of the tribe. I think one thing that attracted me to this board compared to some others is the overall lack of hostility and willingness of members to let each other agree to disagree. There are plenty of boards out there where in all honestly posting a picture of your kit does no more than set you up for criticism, which is not at all what goes on here. While the boards are not always PC (that's a good thing) they are very rarely inappropriate.
I first came to raw denim and the like in search of a better fitting jean. I discovered the term "shrink to fit" and into the hole I went. I used to only be into fades, and years ago said I would never buy sanforized (did I spell that correctly?) denim again. That has all changed…..I decided to get the purple work shirt that I wanted from years past and the ball just started rolling from there.
First time I really ever looked at anything dealing with the forum and Iron Heart's denim was through the IH-526SV (Indigo 21oz vest). I thought that vest was so cool after reading the thread and looking at all of the pictures posted (beatle sold me on it with pictures alone). It would take me another year to finally just order it, but that thread and many others have made it much easier to decide on future purchases and read about others experiences. Once I finally got it and felt the 21oz denim in person, I knew right then I was going to get a pair of jeans as well in the fabric. This forum and all of the help it has is a great resource.
Couple shirts, vests and pants later and I'm still excited with so many cool things being released.
I came to the forum after a less than successful first purchase of IH jeans from SENY. The previous year I'd become interested in sustainable clothing via a Kickstarter project (the otherwise uninteresting Flint & Tinder brand) which in turn led me to Hiut Denim (I'm originally from Wales so that peaked my interest as well), which then led me to the world of selvedge denim. Inevitably IH came up after many hours of immersion in Heddels and Denimhunters websites. The whole IH aesthetic appealed for various reasons (not least the "Go heavy or go home" aspect). So on a trip to NYC I planned to visit BiG and SENY to peruse, but with IH as firm favourites for my first "serious" purchase of Japanese denim by a Japanese brand. It didn't go that well as you can read here: (more here: ).
Despite that semi cock up, I fell in love with the 21oz and construction of IH, and was determined to do a better job with my second pair. So browsing the forum for product specific info on stretch, shrinkage and fit became a daily activity. I signed up and started doing all the classic noob things like tagging @Giles and @Madame Buttonfly in endless posts (oops, I did it again
) , placing them in the wrong threads or in unnecessary threads I'd started myself. So generally presenting like a clueless first timer
While I realise now that I probably seemed like a pest, this is pretty much what all noobs do, and everyone (forums members, mods and the IHUK crew) was very patient and helpful. This was, and still is a very noob friendly place, full of helpful folks.
So I ended up buying the 555-01 and of course a shirt, the now extinct IHSH-85. The shirt had some potential for shrinkage so I got my geek on and documented the process and my first big post here was a write up of this. It garnered lots of positive feedback and I was hooked, both on the clothing, brand and the forum. From then on I got to know the forum and its members and content. From keeping up with new releases, to hours of research, to just hanging out and messing around about, or browsing WAYWT for inspiration; the forum has become an indispensable part of my IH experience.
Just like any social arena, there are occasionally misunderstandings or arguments, and very rarely some bad behaviour, but 99% of the time it's just a very positive, friendly community where people enjoy helping each other, shooting the shit and comparing notes. People I've never met have done me incredible favours out of the goodness of their hearts ( @mikebarhoot is the man
), hooked me up with great stuff like Belgian beer glasses and bottles I can't get at home ( @Seul , @Aetas ), and I've bought and sold gear in a thriving marketplace that has been entirely hassle free.
So if you're a noob reading this and wondering what it's all about, whether you can ask a silly question, or make a fruity comment, or you're just intimidated by the amount of shit @Megatron1505 gets for being ginger, don't worry. Just dive in
The question is….. Was @neph93 the one who caused you to turn them off?
I joined the forum back in 2011. After a trip to SELA and picking up a 16ss, I fell in love with Iron Heart. Throughout college I had my flings with different denim brands like Guess, Diesel, And Naked & Famous. I was also pretty into all the brands on Super Denim too. But after wearing the 16 for a few months at work, I was hooked. I saved a ton of money and then picked up the 634-XHS and the IHD-01od. I probably posted maybe 10 times my first few YEARS. I have no idea why I was so shy. I really also really self conscious and didn't know how to go out talking a self portrait to post for pics. Funny enough, Jiu Jitsu came along in my life and changed a lot. After training for a while it gave me my self confidence back and ability to learn new things. In the last 2 years I've been more active than I ever was. I wasn't afraid of anyone on the forum, I just thought my insights weren't worthy for the first little bit. Luckily I've grown up a little and grown my collection to hopefully help out the IH world. Thanks a lot to @Finn666 who I PMed a lot in the beginning for sizing advice. You really helped me out. And I'd be willing to help out anyone who wants my opinion on anything IH now that I've got some experience built up. After meeting Giles and Paula in Philadelphia and a bunch of forum members, it's only made my life for IH grow. I love the company, the clothes, and the forum. It's a big part of my life. Thanks to everyone who's made it what it is. Let's keep it going!!! [emoji1591][emoji1591][emoji1591]
The question is….. Was @neph93 the one who caused you to turn them off?
To be fair, I had a lot of help
I signed up and started doing all the classic noob things like tagging @Giles and @Madame Buttonfly in endless posts
Wait what ??? ? This is a noob thing? Goddamnit! Just when I thought I was reaching a post-noob status
At the suggestion of Giles, I am copying and pasting the following here. It was originally posted in another thread, but obviously is more appropriate here. If you have already read it, I apologize for the repeatedness…
A few years back, after watching the documentary "The True Cost", I made it my mission to buy clothing responsibly. I was always very away of they style and look of my clothing, but never really where or how it was made. Red Wings, vintage made USA clothing, and RRL (at least the USA made collections), really introduced me to quality and craftsmanship in terms of clothing and an obsession began.
Then one day about two and half years ago while looking for some heavier weight denim (and to be honest, I cannot even remember what I was searching for or what Google rabbit hole I went into) I came across Iron Heart. And I was intrigued. While I was a little questioning of a $400 price tag, I was very interested in the 25oz XHS (I mean how could anyone not be, the description says it caused needles in the sewing process to explode for Christ's sake!) and I decided to pull the trigger. Axel talked me through the process (more like held my hand
- best customer service on the planet) and before I knew it, I had my first pair of IH denim (still have, and is my favorite pair). Little did I know my life would be changed.
I am not exaggerating when I say the forum changed my life. At first I was a little bit confused about what it was and I was even nervous to contribute. After all, there seemed to be a pretty close knit community already in place. As I began to read through the various threads I found there were people from all over the world from all walks of life, some forum legends whose reputations were well known, there were people people who had a wealth of knowledge regarding all things wearable, there veterans who had been buying IH since it was still just TW, some who have disappeared, and then of course there were all the variety of names (some of you guys have some really fuckin' weird ones :)). All this to say, there was a lot going on and it was a little intimidating for an IH "newbie" like me.
But one day, I just decided to contribute to a conversation, and I was welcomed. And then I decided to contribute to another, and I was welcomed. And this happened over and over and over again until I had made connections with so many of you people that I felt a part of this community and am on the forum on a daily basis. And being a part of this community means so much to me. To have a place where we can share our passion, and ask questions, and have input in what IH is doing, it has solidified my loyalty to IH and allowed me to connect with people I would have never connected with.
Its funny cause sometimes my wife will jokingly say things like "Why don't you go ask your friends on the forum"?
So thank you Mods for all you have done and continue to do to make this a place for people like us. Thank you IHUK crew for being the best goddamn crew I have ever had the pleasure of interacting with. Thank you Giles (and H) for your infinite patience, answering all our questions (even when you have already done the thread...three pages ago :)), and keeping IH the world-class outfit it is.
And thank you to all the members here who contribute once in awhile or everyday. I am grateful to have found you all and am even more grateful you have allowed me to contribute and be a part of the community.
Aside from the clothing (which is obvious), I feel the forum is key to what makes IH great and truly unique, in my experience.
I came to Iron Heart through a mutual friend, at the time I was a floating denim head, finding my feet between Samurai, Sugar Cane and Iron Heart. Just as I had got around to making my mind up that Samurai was the brand for me I met Giles and Paula, who plied me with beer and grilled meat products to win my affection… worked (I am easily swayed). Since then I have been drawn into the macabre world of heavy denim, double indigo, flannel shirts which have more in common with carpets than garments, and Dr Evil impersonators from the darkest corners Belgium.
I won’t lie, it’s a slippery slope. You start by feeling like you’re a bad ass in your 21oz denim, then you go heavier….then you want the heavy flannel shirt and the heavy jacket….before you know it normal clothing just doesn’t cut it anymore. Before you know it you find yourself in a place like this, asking stupid questions of a man with patience of a rabid dog, sharing intimate details of your life that you wouldn’t tell your closest family……until you find yourself wearing clothing that weighs the same as a small family car, praying for cold weather and viewing the , frankly mediocre, town of Gosport as one of the world’s great denim capitals.
Welcome to the club….
(This is mostly sarcasm for those still getting used to the humour here)
I don't even know how I got on the denim band wagon… I know it was after my revelation that I can't live in Jordans and graphic tees any longer (Around my 27th birthday)... But, how it exactly started, I don't know. Through my searches, I happened upon some American brands, which lead me somehow to Gustin, just as they started taking off. Yup! I'm an OG Gustin guy, and they were my first foray in to the world of selvedge denim. Their whole business model sucked me in FAST... Seems like I was ordering something new every week. The fit worked pretty good for me, and the prices couldn't be beat (At the time)... But then, as my wardrobe was growing, I started to look around more and more, and "Iron Heart" kept coming up... I was a naysayer at first, but then, it happened....
Now, if anyone has seen the movie "The Invention of Lying", I had a moment just like that... Suddenly, I realized "I live in Japan (Okinawa), and Iron Heart is a Japanese brand...". From there, I was quickly saddened by learning that Okinawa is the Alabama of Japan, and all of the awesome brand that I searched for were nowhere to be found on island. <insert rakuten=""> From there, it was simple: $100 for a Gustin shirt, or $120 for Iron Heart? $120 for Gustin jeans, or $150 for Iron Heart pants/jeans?
I've tried some other Japanese brands, and love a couple (Namely, PBJ and Mister Freedom…), but the construction quality is what keeps me buying IH. Grant it, I buy FAR LESS now that I'm outside of Japan, but there rarely goes a day that I'm NOT wearing at least 1 IH piece (Typically, It's a full outfit though).</insert>
I thought,"$75? for a t-shirt? These fucking people are crazy!" I still think it's crazy - but-they're really nice t shirts. I own a whole lot of them.
Aside from the build and the different weights of jeans, it's the fits. IH is in a class of it's own.
And not to name names-mega, the mad Belgian-is that redundant?- the people are a civil bunch . -
Hi all! I'm new to the forum. I brought my passion for the right jeans from the USSR. Time of total deficit and lack of everything. Jeans Levis and Wrangler were then for me happiness and good luck. Then in 1991 the damned USSR collapsed. And denim of dubious quality and origin went into the country like an avalanche. And only in the last 15 years, selvedge jeans began to appear in Russia. After Levis with selvedge, I accidentally stumbled upon Japanese denim. And away we go! Got hooked on Momotaro from Zefear. And there in the store I saw the Iron Heart. And here I am. The locals around me, twist their fingers to my temple and say that I'm crazy. And when they hear how much I spend on Japanese denim, they remember the fucking mother.