IH-888-UHR - Indigo UHR 21/23oz Selvedge Denim Medium/High Rise Tapered Cut
Dude, you own like 17 UHFs.
Actually I think I'm down to about…6 or 7 ish??? I expect those to be strictly winter wear though. A pair of jeans I like to get a lot more mileage out of if possible and not have them limited to 3 months out of the year. Either way...I'm sure I will be getting these
Just me or @danielafc pic above look like Cory Taylor doppelgänger?
Nice fit btw.
With thigh measurements of 13 inches for tag size 32 and a high rise, this is the most comfortable pair of IH jeans I have.
The fabric is hairy and soft, in fact softer than 634-SR. Surprisingly, the buttons were also a lot easier on the fingers. It helps that I don't have to worry about indigo transfer on the black pocket bags which are also deeper than the ones for 634.
Happy with this purchase.
Cloudy, windy, 58°F in Phoenix and I'm freezing my balls off in my 21oz. UHR's here I come.
“58” and “freezing” just don’t jive man… they ain’t related.
“58” and “freezing” just don’t jive man… they ain’t related.
lol for most normal people, no. I'm a phoenix native man, I'm used to temperatures that are literally two times 58 degrees.
well…I shouldn't say "used to"...more like I can tolerate.
I actually sympathize- a cold front is moving through central Texas right now. Yesterday, the high was 84, today it's 62, tomorrow it will be 45. I like cooler weather, but that's a hell of a quick drop.
It's cloudy!
Naaaawwww…. poor babies. Make sure you put a thinnish jacket on when you go outside. And don’t forget the sunscreen.
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lol…I actually use sunscreen almost year round here. Well a face lotion with an SPF in the winters mainly but definitely sunscreen the rest of the year.
It's funny cause during the winters here you can always tell the people who are transplants and those that are natives. Natives will be bundled up when it's in the 50's and the transplants will still be in shorts and a T shirt.
“58” and “freezing” just don’t jive man… they ain’t related.
lol for most normal people, no. I'm a phoenix native man, I'm used to temperatures that are literally two times 58 degrees.
I feel your pain. I grew up in the north east but I don’t enjoy it. Iron heart clothes help a lot.
lol…I actually use sunscreen year round here.
It's funny cause during the winters here you can always tell the people who are transplants and those that are natives. Natives will be bundled up when it's in the 50's and the transplants will still be in shorts and a T shirt.
With a few minor changes, this is accurate for me, too.
Well, I soaked it once in warm water before wearing it. It could shrink more, but I don't want it to. Or is there any other shrinkage I need to account for?
As long as you do the same in the future as you did the first time there won’t be more shrinkage. But if the water temperature is higher and/or there is more agitation in the wash, then you may get more shrinkage.