IHSH-208-IND - Indigo Kersey Western Shirt
@T4920 it’s looking pretty great to me!
@doubletee The shoulders, sleeves, and chest look perfect.
The length in the front looks good. Perhaps it's too short on the sides but I can't tell from the front view.
If you sized up I think it would be too baggy in the stomach area.
I agree with @DrPat the shoulder and sleeves look great.
It does look a bit short on the sides, but it’s difficult to tell. Sizing up may create other issues through.
I guess when I’m in doubt I size up, and tailor if required, but I really try not to alter clothes if at all possible.
Just my thoughts. It’s a beautiful shirt though, congrats.
@Daniel-San this post might be the last push I needed. Love the snaps too
@Daniel-San v v v nice my friend
@Daniel-San that looks incredible!
Thank you both for the feedback and responses!
I like where your head is at, @Mizmazzle !
Love how the snaps look from the other images I see but may be tough to justify on its own. I have a feeling in six months, I’ll be hooked and ready to invest in another piece at which point I can simultaneously switch the Kersey snaps if I’m still so inclined.
Impressive level of engagement on this board, cheers everyone!
@doubletee I think it looks class, Mate!
Whats bothering you about the Large? -
@doubletee that L is for you man, drop me an email if you want me to un-reserve the XL.
@doubletee Joining in and think it looks great. Can we see another pic buttoned and with a back shot if possible?
This post is deleted!
depends on how you want to wear it @doubletee
To me I see a couple of things that make me think going a size up might be better such as the side hem length showing a lot of your undershirt. For me personally, This is usually an indication that the shirt is too short (or I'm wearing a tshirt that's too long :D)
The shoulders look good but definitely on the trim/fitted side of comfortable and the sleeves look exactly the right length when standing, which for me usually means I'll find them sliiightly short when working at a desk, driving, or whatever.It looks good but would also ask for a buttoned picture with your t-shirt tucked.
Thanks guys. Here are some more @goosehd