IHWE-FP-BLK - Iron Heart Int'l x Wesco® - 7" Rough-Out Boot - Black. The "Foot Patrol"
We have just had a visitor come in to try some Foot Patrols on so that he could gauge his sizing for the pre-order. He reckons he has pretty standard width feet, but he needed E width in this last.
Yep that’ll be me I guess, couple of points that may help if your unsure
A) they are phenomenal in the flesh, far more substantial than I imagined, the roughout is gonna age beautifully I believe, the boot has got real heft without been overpowering
I’m a uk 9 and take uk 8 in redwing Moctoe and iron rangers
C) the wescos were a great fit in a uk 8.5 and as Giles rightly says an e fit on width worked well for me, I pretty much live in boots of one sort or another. They fit very nicely with no heal slip and I think once bedded in will be super comfortable
D) how do I time travel to August[emoji106]
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Not to muddy the waters, but whether or not these are domain or oil tanned leather may play a role in width sizing. The black tie domain stretches more readily than the oil tanned leather in my experience.
These are really very beautiful boots. It's something of a relief that they aren't really my style
You know what causes that, right?
Worth it.
This is a gorgeous build. Are they dubbed in any way? The toe tips look like they could be.
This is a gorgeous build. Are they dubbed in any way? The toe tips look like they could be.
They are not. It's an oiled leather so you are seeing some of that tannage.
Really digging these boots. Never owned a pair of Wesco boots before so I feel like I'm going in blind on a preorder. I'm a 10D-US on most of my Red Wing Hertitage boots, 9.5 US on Lofgren Combats and 10.5-US on most sneaker and hiking boots. Any coments or comparisons from Wesco owners would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Really digging these boots. Never owned a pair of Wesco boots before so I feel like I'm going in blind on a preorder. I'm a 10D-US on most of my Red Wing Hertitage boots, 9.5 US on Lofgren Combats and 10.5-US on most sneaker and hiking boots. Any coments or comparisons from Wesco owners would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
I would go for a 10E.
This is a gorgeous build. Are they dubbed in any way? The toe tips look like they could be.
Oooooh, this would look SOOOOOO good dubbed!!!
This is a gorgeous build. Are they dubbed in any way? The toe tips look like they could be.
Oooooh, these would look SOOOOOO good dubbed!!!
Really digging these boots. Never owned a pair of Wesco boots before so I feel like I'm going in blind on a preorder. I'm a 10D-US on most of my Red Wing Hertitage boots, 9.5 US on Lofgren Combats and 10.5-US on most sneaker and hiking boots. Any coments or comparisons from Wesco owners would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
I agree with Alex-10E should work for you.