The Mad Red Motherf**ker World Tour.
don't know if its pure luck or not, but I checked that tracking for you guys and it seems its moving again since today! Should arrive next week I recon.
Well done. Happy days.
Hell yes!!!! I hadn’t checked in a bit. I hope whomever the fuck had it at least took some photos to upload.
Thanks Guys!
Another call to USPS, and yet another disappointing result. They have no further information about the jacket right now. What they did do, however, is "escalate" my already opened case. I am supposed to hear something within 5-7 business days.
Here is the email I got from them just after the call.
"Dear Jeff Baker,Thank you for contacting the United States Postal Service
and taking the time to share your concerns with us. Your inquiry has been processed and assigned to Service Request # 28144666.
Your inquiry has been forwarded to the appropriate management team for research and response. You can expect initial contact within one-business day.
We invite you to visit our Frequently Asked Questions page at: for help with your future mailing and shipping needs.
Thank you again for bringing this to our attention, and for your patience while we investigate this matter.
Two days ago, a letter from german custom arrived…
... I should come in person to catch the MRMF** up, but „Please contact us at First“ ...
... you guess, ………it was impossible to contact them :-).There is the german word „Posse“ in there!
German rules changed this month... all imports from outside the EU will be charged!!We will see on monday ;-).
And thanks Rueben @neph93. Really I was mad but not stressing. If it meant me buying a new $1000 to tour the world, than that’s what would happen.
what's the good word @Aetas?!!!
Visited german customs … introduced them to this Forum and this beautiful MRMF** World Tour.
#start … used the new sticker as a key code ;-)!
#one of the reasons … to know about the MRMF thread: There’s a charity behind!
Had to open the package and to show the jacket in flash!
From there on, it was a very friendly atmosphere.
what's the good word ..?
…the jacket is here!!!!
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I will be celebrating this momentous weight lifting cheek unclenching brow sweating occasion with a whiskey on Friday evening.
So glad it finally made it.
March 13th-July 7th… Those dark days will not be forgotten.
Here's the response I received today from USPS regarding the Mad Red.
It seems we had luck on our side. I'm certainly glad that the events took place in the order they did. I have a lump in my throat reading it even knowing it's not true.