Random questions to which you seek an answer
Actually, a bit more info here:
Yeah, thanks–I did read that in my research before badgering the forum
I also read a Heddels article explaining these twills that was completely useless. It basically said that LHT had certain characteristics because of the direction the yarns were spun without any explanation as to why clockwise versus counter-clockwise yarn spin would impact those properties in isolation (when taken into account with the twill, one could see how the confluence of yarn spin direction and twill direction could generate certain characteristics).
One of the things I appreciate about IHUK and this forum is that you guys are very receptive to customer suggestions and ideas. I think this is another one of those things that separates IH from other brands. My question is, what percentage of forum ideas do you think are actually used? Do you write down ideas and discuss their merits in the office and then bring them up to Haraki-san? I'm guessing it's a numbers game and dependent on what you already have in the pipeline and how much physical stock you have sitting at Gosport.
Giles, why do you call the 666S the Devil's Fit? Is it because they tend to crush the nether regions?
Right, the Omen, I should have thought of that!
Thanks Giles, a mine of information. I love the fit, but boy! they take some breaking in. I've just ordered a pair of 888S OD, looking forward to see how they fit.
English translations of the Book of Revelations (Rev 13 particularly) use 666 as the number of the beast. Latin, Greek, and Egyptian use 616. Made famous in popular culture by the self appointed 'the beast' Aleister Crowley…and Iron Maiden...and Iron Heart! The devil would have to sell HIS soul to IH to make such good jeans
Anyone in the good ole USA able to help me get my hands on a pair of these?
Rape prices now in the UK
If you want you can order them in the US and send to me, and I will ship them to you. Or I can order them and send to you, which ever works.
Thanks Roman I will see if I can find some. I have a feeling they have sold out now in the states too [emoji3525]
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
@Giles is the black 10oz Chambray fabric being discontinued? I've noticed the IHSH-13 BLK and IHSH-21 BLK are endangered?
Well that's unfortunate.
It is. And it was my idea to make the black chambray. But the bottom line is we are here to make money, stay healthy and be in business for the long term. Something does not sell, then it has to be killed…
It boggles me sometimes how some things don't sell. The black chambray is a killer fabric and the color is perfect. I've received many compliments on my black 13. I've tried black chambrays from other brands and the color is just off in one way or another and of course no other chambray fabric has the heft of the IH 10oz.
Guess this means I need to pick up another black 21 or 13 before they're gone.
But are unable to remember the shirt numbers …