OK. After 6 months of experience shipping to the EU, we have a decent amount of empirical evidence under our belts.
- Shipping via The Netherlands gives us no advantages
- Paying 12% duty on Japanese goods shipped from UK to EU is unavoidable
- We will revert to shipping direct
- We will continue to ship DDP, which means that we will pick up any VAT, duty and fees on your behalf
- We have had to increase return shipping from the EU back to the UK to USD35. It costs more to ship back to us from EU now than virtually anywhere else in the world
- We have had to implement an additional charge for the following countries:
These countries have decided that they can make money out of Brexit. For instance imports into Greece are charged an additional £34.57 brokerage charge plus £12.80 storage on top of VAT, duty, disbursement.
OK… glad the silly Austrians didn't join in.
Shocking news today:
Someone cue the Benny Hill!
@Giles , I’ve been saying that for weeks. How come every other country that is also dealing with COVID isn’t experiencing the same issues that we are. Idiocy of the highest order.
And yet one the “senior” managers at work was loudly complaining in a meeting last week that “it’s about time that the EU decided where it wants it’s border with Ireland”.
There is so much wrong with that statement that I scarcely know where to begin……
I just can't with how fiscally detrimental that call was to separate. I hate the rad ppl like you, @Giles, get to enjoy the fallout of such a decision.
Sustainability thread cover your ears for a moment.
Giles you need to set up a triangle system where it sells to the US first, and then to the EEA.
Sustainability thread cover your ears for a moment.
Giles you need to set up a triangle system where it sells to the US first, and then to the EEA.
Ha! V true.
@sabergirl though we could probably replant the Amazon with all the costs saved with shipping directly into the EU
@Danny RnH true that (nice to see you post and thanks for all of the great service, Paul, Ross and Ben are absolutely fantastic in the MCR shop, it would be nice to buy yas all a beer one of these days). @Giles if the price goes up for us so be it, it's still the best shit around and worth every penny. So frustrating all of this, but we'll all come through it and I don't see many people deciding this isn't for them any more, this is not your doing and the support isnt going anywhere
Sustainability thread cover your ears for a moment.
Giles you need to set up a triangle system where it sells to the US first, and then to the EEA.
Ha! V true.
Sound like an iron heart pyramid scheme
imagine banging on doors anntrying to persuade housewives that 21oz overalls are everything they need #BoB
@LewisStonehouse That's great to hear - I'll pass your comments on to the guys in Manchester. We're always up for a beer or 2.
And the gift still keeps giving….
Lorry driver shortage: Temporary visa scheme to end on Christmas Eve