IHSH-208-IND - Indigo Kersey Western Shirt
Thanks! I wanted some subtle bling and I'm very happy with the results. What an amazing shirt.
Has the effect of cuff links, very nice choice.
I'm very happy with the results. What an amazing shirt.
And you should be happy! Great choice on the cuffs…Holy Awesome! [emoji95]
It’s either the shirt…or you’ve started sweating indigo ???
IH Kersey x IH Duck
Boooooooom ️[emoji869]️ ️[emoji869]️
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Guessing these haven't hit the US retailers yet?
Second day for the Kersey:
Nudie Grim Tim Pagan Selvage
RW Iron Ranger MoleskinerGesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
Don‘t wear white under it!
I hope it goes away again.
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Not sure where you can get this in EU but: https://summitbrands.com/out-laundry/white-brite-laundry-whitener/
@Cole -
This shirt is insane…fades should be quick
We just got a large back in stock if anyone missed out.https://rivetandhide.com/shop/brands/iron-heart/iron-heart-ihsh-208-indigo-kersey-western-shirt.html
Only my 3rd wear and this shirt is fading fast. I can hear it fading.
I am trying to decide if this or the ihsh-64 is my favorite ever Iron Heart shirt. Thank you.
Great pic. It’s lovely.
I will moan about this every chance I get but I once had two 64’s that I had to move on as they were too big. I miss them. Add to that my lack of 208 and now I’m feeling inferior and sad [emoji23]
Glad you got one, glad you’re enjoying it.