IHSH-208-IND - Indigo Kersey Western Shirt
I'm very happy with the results. What an amazing shirt.
And you should be happy! Great choice on the cuffs…Holy Awesome! [emoji95]
It’s either the shirt…or you’ve started sweating indigo ???
IH Kersey x IH Duck
Boooooooom ️[emoji869]️ ️[emoji869]️
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Guessing these haven't hit the US retailers yet?
Second day for the Kersey:
Nudie Grim Tim Pagan Selvage
RW Iron Ranger MoleskinerGesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
Don‘t wear white under it!
I hope it goes away again.
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Not sure where you can get this in EU but: https://summitbrands.com/out-laundry/white-brite-laundry-whitener/
@Cole -
This shirt is insane…fades should be quick
We just got a large back in stock if anyone missed out.https://rivetandhide.com/shop/brands/iron-heart/iron-heart-ihsh-208-indigo-kersey-western-shirt.html
Only my 3rd wear and this shirt is fading fast. I can hear it fading.
I am trying to decide if this or the ihsh-64 is my favorite ever Iron Heart shirt. Thank you.
Great pic. It’s lovely.
I will moan about this every chance I get but I once had two 64’s that I had to move on as they were too big. I miss them. Add to that my lack of 208 and now I’m feeling inferior and sad [emoji23]
Glad you got one, glad you’re enjoying it.