Random Rants
@IrishHeart I recall hearing about a restaurant in NYC which did exactly this. They jacked up their prices by 10% (back when that was the standard tip) and then forbade tipping altogether. They increased all service staff's take-home pay accordingly, not just the front of house staff. Apparently it was wildly popular, and really good for staff that had young families and commitments like that because they didn't need to fight over the better-tipping dinner service.
I wanna say I read about it in one of the Freakonomics books or heard about it on the podcast they used to do, but I'm not 100% on that.
Enjoying reading over the tip discussion y’all @WhiskeySandwich you hit a nerve touching on self checkout. Majority of US grocery stores have about 15 to 20 lanes with only 2-3 ever open. The greed to staff as little as possible is disturbing at best… I also catch myself daydreaming of spear tackling one of those 6 foot tall roomba robot cleaners every time I’m in the produce section.
@T4920 the idea of what? the "service charge"? i think its just overcomplicating the solution by calling "this" "that", and not really resolving anything. What @IrishHeart or what @EdH said would probably be better imo. Just leave it out. Charge the price and leave it at that. Same goes with the car market dealer markups (will save for another rant lol).
@WhiskeySandwich said in Random Rants:
@T4920 the idea of what? the "service charge"? i think its just overcomplicating the solution by calling "this" "that", and not really resolving anything.
I just mean that if you know there's gonna be 20% charge before you sit down to eat, that should at least buy you the peace of mind of knowing your server is being fairly compensated for their work, and remove any awkwardness/uncertainty regarding a tip when clearing your cheque.
If it's just a means of the establishment making their pricing seem more affordable than it actually is, and the servers still expect a tip on top of that, then I agree it's a scummy practice worthy of boycotting!
@EdH brilliant. If you ever find out the name of that restaurant, I’ll be sure to visit next time I’m over!
@T4920 I'm just not down with convoluted inconsistent cost models. Frankly, the last thing I want to do when I go out to eat is extra math calculations and concern myself with employee-employer business relations. Their wage negotiations should not affect the customer in any visible way. Food, cars, clothes, are all products for sale and should follow a one-price model. You list a price, you pay that price, the end. I'm not the Bistro's CFO. Ease of calculation of the bill goes a long way for repeat customers at restaurants. We go out to eat for a stress break and this stuff doesn't help lol. But yeah, scummy businesses confuse their customers about price and don't properly pay their staff, so boycott it is
@endo i do think a lot of minimum wages are absurdly low, some are also ridiculously high as well in some states here. I think the thing to remember with minimum wage is this: the intent here is that its an entry level wage for people entering the workforce in most cases. I made minimum wage when I first entered the work force, but the idea is to not stagnate in your career advancement. That being said, businesses should treat both employees and customers fairly, and a successful company can balance this out. I dont think extra charges and tips have any place in that balance. a "tip" should only be praise, not wage, and have nothing to do with the company. it is between two people.
The entry-level argument for minimum wages doesn’t hold any water at this point, @WhiskeySandwich . If you look at the demographics of who works these jobs it’s majority adults, specifically women and people of color.
Regardless of whether it’s intended for people to “stagnate” in these positions, for may people it’s the only opportunity for employment they have.
@sabergirl Sorry I didn't realize I walked into a political trope. As far as holding water, i believe that's putting the cart in front of the horse by adding demographics to those statistics. Cause or effect? People surely aren't entering the workforce at much a higher level, and it was the only opportunity I had at the time. I had to do it twice even, when my first career path didn't work out thanks to the 2008 economy. I don't believe its the "intent" to stagnate at all. Either way, I think there is much progress to be made with the rules, employers, and employees.
@sabergirl I do apologize for soapboxing on the topic and didn't intend for it to turn in to a political or demographical thing. I can leave it with: Things can surely be done better. I support a better, clearer, fairer, and more consistent wage curve for all, so the current 'tip culture' can unfuck itself. lol
Speaking purely economically, I can’t make sense of the concept of a minimum wage that isn’t tied to a cost of living index like CPI.
@mclaincausey which is of course exactly as it should be. Although the rates of inflation at the moment wold make that extremely challenging in practice.
@Giles the amount of fuckery in that business up here is insane. I know most of the owners of restaurants and bars up here and they are scumbags to a man.
The staff turnover is insane. I fail to see how the idea of treating your staff well for them to be motivated and commited has not sunk in. Instead it is the reverse, treat them like shit 'cos there is always the next mug to do the job. The result is of course inconsistent service from either new, poorly trained, or unmotivated people.
Here in the NL the minium wage has been raised since this year, also the standard payments has been raised since and after covid, which in first is a great thing offcourse but what we often forget is that our salaries needs to be paid. When they raise those payments(above minimum) due inflation etc. we often forget that those raises can only be paid when:
- The product’s gets even more expensive which leads to less customers over time which lead to cutting in hours/contracts etc.
- Quantity gets above quality so they already cut in hours and the few people who’ll stay needs to do more work then they did before.
- It happens everywhere so we earn more money but things get even more expensive so in the end it doesn’t feel like more..
I’m not a fan of tips and since i’m already working for like 15 years in retail and almost never got tips although i did my work very professionally and properly. I agree that a minimum wage should be the fair way to go but when we keep on raising the wages we keep ourselves in a constant loop which we as eagerly workers can’t break, unfortunately. That doesn’t say it’s fair but it’s a observation and even more importantly you have to do what you love!
It beggars belief that someone was dumb enough to think that touch screen games on the screens behind the headrest of an airplane seat was a sensible idea.
@mclaincausey You noticed that…spent my last flight with a kid playing some game behind me…
It’s such an obviously stupid idea. What did they think was going to happen?