Random Announcements
@goosehd if I may interject: depends on what I'm eating. Fish & chips - copious amounts of malt vinegar. Pretty much everything else with chips: mayonnaise as seen here: https://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum//post/771862
@goosehd said in Random Announcements:
brown sauce equals HP Sauce
I only twigged that the HP stood for "houses of Parliament" recently. I don't know how many times I gazed at the picture of the houses of Parliament on the bloody bottle without realising this.
@goosehd said in Random Announcements:
What do you put on french fries?
No sauce, cajun spices instead or, if those aren't available, plenty of fresh ground black pepper.
@goosehd salt and pepper is all you need. Malt vinegar always welcome as are certain seasoning blends. Green or red chile, cheese or bechamel sauce, or gravy to shake things up. Even things like masala can work. Fries make a great standalone snack or a media for other deliciousness. I don’t mind a honey mustard, ranch, or blue cheese dressing dip from time to time. I despise ketchup and think mayonnaise is a waste of calories on fries, not really bringing enough to the experience.
Fries benefit from being cooked twice, be it a blanch+fry, double fry, or some other method. Duck fat works wonders for deep frying them. I tend to prefer fries that are irregular shapes and sizes and have pieces with skin on them.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
@goosehd salt, vinegar and chip shop curry sauce! Food of the Gods.
@Mizmazzle psychotic behaviour!