Mizmazzle Got Married!!
Congratulations!! What incredible happiness you are spreading! Best wishes
Congrats @Mizmazzle to you both. Wonderful location for a special day
@Mizmazzle , Congrats ! Loving Morgan's heels...
@Mizmazzle stunning pics to match a stunning couple. Cheers brother and enjoy your honeymoon!
@mclaincausey thanks holmes!! The boys will be in town soon!! Can’t wait to show you video of the Italian band playing Heaven as Morgan walked down the aisle!! Freaking tear inducing
Congratulations to you both! What an amazing location for your photos. You both look great.
Congratulations Mr and Mrs @Mizmazzle. It certainly looks like an epic venue for a wedding, and the bride's boots are fantastic.
Enjoy your honeymoon and the many years of bliss ahead of you!
A million congratulations and a sea of best wishes! Oh Jesus, what nature in Italy!
Congratulation @Mizmazzle ! I'm happy for you both.
@Mizmazzle I can’t wait to see that!!
@Mizmazzle Congratulations! All the best. Love the Amalfi Coast.
@Mizmazzle congrats man! Pics look amazing
@Mizmazzle not sure if this news story will get any coverage where you are, but I thought you might appreciate it - it also involves marriage and mountains! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-66311560
@Mizmazzle for me it wouldn’t just be the heights. I suspect doing something like that needs more flexibility, balance and guts than I could easily scrape together!
Late to the party here but wow that is so AWESOME man! Congrats @Mizmazzle those are some awesome shots! Looks like an incredible time!