Random Love (anti-rants)
I’ve been on heavy parental duties recently, just through quirks of timing. Wife has had a few weekends away seeing friends, and a few evening work arrangements (jollies). Coupled with illness and taking the odd day to look after sick kids, I’ve been busy.
I’m not one of those dads that considers looking after their own kids as “babysitting” for the wife. It’s my responsibility as much as it is hers. But I think anyone that has kids can sometimes be guilty of mentally calculating your own free time against your partners’, and sometimes it doesn’t swing in your favour.
Anyway, we were driving to the park after school when my wife pulls up outside the craft beer pub and tells me to get out, and that she’ll pick me up in a couple of hours. Lovely surprise and it’s nice to feel that she’s appreciated the extra man hours I’ve been putting in. Or maybe the sunken eyes and haggard face was just screaming “I need a break”…
Nice @jerkules. made me immediately think of this Bill Burr segment.
@jordanscollected ha that’s very funny. I have a feeling that many years from now, I’ll be mythologising my unexpected 2-hours at the pub, granted to me by my wife.
Pretty trivial, but celebrating the dark horse Ole Miss Rebels winning the College World Series as one of the final four qualifying teams, and then the front-running Colorado Avalanche hoisting the Stanley Cup!
Not sure what you’re feeling good about
Yeah after a good week (politically) with wins for leftist Petro in Columbia and a loss for Macron (despite me having a crush on him kinda), the news of basically reducing women to 2nd class citizens was hard to deal with… Despite knowing it was a-coming and inevitable...
I was discussing this with my student yesterday... She's rightwing but pro-choice... I told her no, not one fucking law, no restriction, NOTHING should come between a woman's life and her decision... Between a woman and her choice...
Random Love? A little lost on me right now, but I will not, I will never lose faith in women... I hope they can grab the Biggest Pussy in the US' history and make him eat their placenta.
This may start a little dark but it ends full of love.
Oslo’s Pride parade should happened yesterday. But during the Pride Eve party some assclown killed two and wounded 22 in an anti lgbtq+ hate crime. The parade was cancelled due to security concerns.
Despite this, thousands took to the streets yesterday and today in an unsanctioned parade/demonstration. The Oslo 5-0 let them get on with it.